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“Do you have something to light these with?” I arrange the candles in evenly spaced disorder.

Cole rummages around in the cabinets until he comes up with a book of matches.

By the time I have them all lit, little droplets of wax are starting to drip onto the icing. But what’s a birthday cake without a few wax sprinkles?

“Happy birthday, Cole. Make a wish!”

“No song?”

“Do you want me to sing?”

He doesn’t answer, but I get the sense that he does and just doesn’t want to ask for it.

So I bust out an operatic version of the Happy Birthday song that sends Smaug, who had peeked his head past the doorway, scurrying from the room.

As the last trailing notes titter away, I nudge the cake closer. “Now, make a wish.”

He doesn’t hesitate. With his eyes locked on mine, Cole huffs out a controlled breath, wiping out every little flame. All the heat from the cake seems to have transferred to his eyes.

I would pay good money to know his wish.


Somehow, I convinced Summer to not only spend the day with me but to come back to my house. I’m waiting for when I wake up and realize this is one of those shitty good dreams. The ones where life is perfect, and then you gain consciousness and find that none of it was real.

Summer sits cross-legged in the middle of my bedroom floor, stroking Smaug’s ears as I scan through my thrift store DVD collection to figure out what the longest movie I own is. Summer scratches at her tights, and I wonder if it’s an idle move or if the material is itchy against her legs.

She should take them off.

Of course, I want Summer to remove all her clothes, but I don’t think she’s anywhere near as invested in this as I am. And I’m determined to only ask her for things she’ll say yes to.

Which is why I come up with a workaround.

It’s a long shot, but things have been working out for me today.

“You want to know what I want for my birthday?”

Summer’s delicious brown eyes home in on me. “Yes. More than anything.”

I nod and take a chance. “I want to watch movies all night until we pass out.”

She tilts her head, and I try not to hold my breath waiting for her answer.

“Birthday movie marathon?”

I nod again.

“I could be down for that. But are you also suggesting a slumber party?”

Probably wouldn’t have used those words, but, “Yes.”

Summer smooths her hands down the front of her dress. “Normally, I’m totally in for a slumber party, but I’m not prepared.”

Holy shit. That’s halfway to a yes.

“I’ll lend you clothes. And a toothbrush. All that stuff.”

The librarian moves to stand in the middle of my bedroom, silently deliberating. I wonder what each side of the argument is.
