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She kneels next to me, hands gripping my shoulders as if she needs to force all of my attention on her. It’s already there.

With a deep breath, Paige speaks slowly, and carefully. If I didn’t know her, I’d think she was doing this because she considers me to be slow. However, I’ve learned that sometimes Paige needs to concentrate to make sure her words come out in normal human talk rather than confusing Paige rambling.

“I have a writer friend coming to town to visit for a few weeks. She is free-spirited and fun and would probably like a handsome guy to flirt with. Maybe also sleep with if there’s attraction. I was trying to find out if that would be interesting to you. If you’d like to me set you up. With her.” She lets go of my arms, sitting back again. “Not me. Dash fulfills all my needs on a daily basis. Sometimes multiple times a day.”

“That’s enough. I get it.” Feeling like an ass, I duck my head as I move to stand, trying not to wince as my raw palms brush against my pants.

“You’re not pissed at me, are you?” Paige rises beside me, helpfully brushing some dirt off my shirt.

“No. I should’ve known that’s not what you meant.”

Maybe I would have if my mind wasn’t pulled in multiple other directions. My job. My book. Summer.

Thoughts of her make me want to smile, and drive away my annoyance with the misunderstanding. Also, they give me a good reason to turn Paige down.

“Sorry. Can’t be a fuck buddy on loan.”

“Oh god, Cole! Is that what I’m asking? That sounds horrible.” My friend’s face bleaches white in horror, which has me laughing. She softens at the sound, but still watches me with worry.

“No. I mean, yes, that’s kind of what you’re asking. But it’s not horrible. Mainly because you’re asking rather than just setting it up.” I tilt my head, indicating we should start running again. Once we’ve re-established our steady pace, I explain myself. “I might’ve said yes at some point. But I’m seeing someone.”

Not just someone. The best one. Every time I think of that kiss, my fingers curl, wanting to be gripping Summer’s soft body again. And calling it “a kiss” isn’t even accurate. There were a lot of kisses. One right after another. The two of us got drunk on kissing.

There’s never been a better birthday.

“Who? Do I know her? Or him? Or they? I don’t think I’ve ever asked your preference.”

I shrug. “Any are good. But she’s a she. Summer. She’s a librarian.” There’s a certain amount of pride in my voice when I speak about her. She a fucking awesome librarian. Smart and clever and great with everyone she talks to.

And she spent an entire morning kissingme.

She could have anyone, like that fucker Joshua. But on her worst day,Icomforted her. And then she showered affection on me, the likes of which I never remember receiving. Not even the first handful of years of my life when my mother was still around.

“Ooo. A librarian. Good choice. It’s always good to have a librarian on your team.”

“You just want more people to talk about books with.” We jog in place at a crosswalk, waiting for the light to change.

Paige grins wide. “Obviously. Let’s get dinner. We’re taking my friend out anyway. It can be a whole group thing.

“I’ll ask.” And I can imagine it now. Us out to eat, laughing and having a good time, and me with my arm across the back of Summer’s chair. Maybe even wrapped around her shoulders. As the night wears on, potentially moving her to my lap.

Where I could tilt her face toward me for a kiss any time I want.

Interesting. I might be into PDA.


“You don’t have to help me clean up, Amy.”

The stout woman waves me off with the hand that isn’t holding a towering stack of used coffee cups. “The job will go quicker this way, and I have a slow afternoon.”

I catch on her words, straightening fast.

“Would you mind staying then? It’s only, there’s someone I’d like you to talk to.”

Amy glances at me then around the empty room as if to sayWhere have they been for the last two hours?

I get her point. The library’s weekly Wednesday midday coffee talk just ended. AKA, the perfect time for someone to talk to her. It’s the whole reason she’s here.
