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“Paige’s friend. In town visiting for a few days.”

“She looks so…” Summer trails off in a distracted way.

We’re almost halfway across the room when Summer gasps.

“Is something—”

“Shhh!” Summer shushes me, all the while shoving me in a different direction than the table.


“In here! Now!” Summer is deceptively strong, pushing me into a room with little effort before slamming and locking the door behind her.

If not for her panicked look, I might think she wants to repeat what we just did in my truck. Hell knows I want to.

“Summer. Talk to me. What’s going on?”

Instead of answering, she starts to pace, chewing on her thumbnail all the while.

Seeing her pass by a urinal, I feel the need to point out, “This is the men’s bathroom.”

She stops and spins toward me. “It’s not my fault this restaurant decided to subscribe certain genders to certain toilets!”

This is an interesting version of my librarian. Kind of reminds me of her birthday freak-out. I’m just wondering what it is about my friends that set her off.

“Dash and Paige are nice,” I offer, in case that has her worried.

“I’m sure they are.” She’s back to pacing.

“If you’re not ready to meet them, we can reschedule.”

Instead of calming down, Summer steps into my space, balling the collar of my shirt in her hands. “Do you know who they’re sitting with?”

The brunette? “Paige mentioned her writer friend would be in town.”

“Writer friend?” Summer’s voice squeaks “That isMarianna Tweep.”

The name sounds vaguely familiar, and I wonder if Paige has mentioned the woman before.

“Do you know her?”

“Of course I do! Well…” Summer steps back, her hands releasing my shirt only to flutter frantically as if they’re domestic birds set loose from their cages. “I know of her. Whenever she puts pen to page it’s an instant bestseller. And she writes memoirs, so it’s like I know her intimately. But I’ve never met her. And you’ll see why.”

“I will?”

“Don’t you get it? I’m going to gush!” Summer’s confession is agonized, her palms pressed to her forehead as if she might have a fever. “I’m going to gush all over her, and your friends are going to tell you to shun me!” She starts pulling paper towels out of the dispenser one at a time, until she has two massive handfuls.

“Hey, babe.” I keep my voice mildly curious. “What’re those for?”

Summer stares at her hands, then back up at me, her expression completely baffled.

“I don’t know!” she wails, pacing back and forth across the tiny room. “Help me, Cole!”

My librarian is adorable, but I keep that to myself.

“Do you think alcohol might help?” I ask.

“Maybe. I’ll try anything.”
