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I brace myself. “What?”

Her soft palm rises to cup my cheek.


Words fail me as I stare into her warm amber eyes.

“Good things don’t have to be temporary,” she continues. “If you’re strong enough, you can hold on to what you want. Figure out a way to make it work.”


“Charlie is worth it. Isn’t he?”

Oh hell. The way she looks at me now is a challenge.

Do I tell her he’s not?

Because then I’d be lying to her and myself.

Her lips slowly curl in a triumphant smile. “You’re worth it too, you know.” She grips my chin and leans in to press a kiss against my forehead. “No one gets to bad-mouth my daughter. And that includes you talking bad about yourself.”

Regina sits back, swiping a thumb across the spot her lips just were, likely cleaning off the mark of her burgundy lipstick, and then moves to stand from her chair.

My mind goes back to the moment on the boat when Mr. Herbert had called Dash his son. My heart had swelled for my brother to have found more people to love him for the amazing man he is. And I can’t help wondering what it would be like to have the Kellers think of me as their daughter.

The idea is so tempting it’s dangerous.



Luna sat quietly the whole car ride back to the house. Ever since we left my parents at the entrance of the club, she’s faded to some other place in her mind. Not like she’s shut the door in my face. More like her attention drew inward.

When we step through the front door, Pig gallops to greet us, her entire body wagging. Luna scratches the pit bull’s head, then immediately heads to the back door to let her out. As the sliding glass door clicks shut, I can’t stand the distance anymore, rabid with curiosity over her thoughts about the night.

“Hey.” I catch Luna’s arm as she’s about to walk past me. “My parents liked you.”

Her smile has a curious edge to it. “I liked them too.” Her eyes meet mine, holding me with their intensity. “A lot.”

Then the spell breaks as she glances away and continues into the kitchen. After kicking her heels to the side, Luna groans, stretching her toes on the ground. The sound has my blood pumping hot.

But my wife doesn’t pay attention to me. She just reaches into the freezer, pulling out a container of mint chocolate chip. After grabbing a spoon, the minx has the audacity to boost herself up onto the counter right in the spot where I ate her out.

“Want some?”

My whole body jerks at her question, and I need a second to realize Luna’s tilting the ice cream carton my way and holding out a second spoon I didn’t realize she’d grabbed. Not wanting to shatter this domestic spell, I carefully step up beside her and accept the utensil she holds out. Time passes where the two of us simply scoop out spoonfuls of ice cream and savor them in silence.

Luna eventually sets the ice cream down on the counter, closer to me, as if she’s had enough. My hand has been scooping robotically. I taper off along with her.

“I don’t want to sleep alone tonight,” Luna announces to the kitchen.

Since she’s been in my bed for the past few nights, I can reason she means something different tonight.

This moment sits heavy in the air. An opening that may never come again.

Luna leaving herself vulnerable to me.

“You don’t have to.” I step in front of her, placing my hands on her knees.
