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I’d thought my mother’s rejections couldn’t sting me anymore, but I still feel the pinch of her dismissing my touch. Still, I stop myself from snapping back at her. Wai Po’s memory solidifies in the air between us, the visions we hold of the woman vastly different.

Mine is full of hope and the beginning of acceptance.

My mother’s holds something darker. Another generation of mother-daughter strife. A tradition I hope never to pass on if Charlie and I ever expand our family. My worry of that is small. With a husband like mine, how could a family be anything other than full of love?

“Make sure Leo doesn’t screw this up.” Vivian pushes through the gate and doesn’t look back, strolling out of our lives as easily as she always has.

“You okay?” A familiar deep voice whispers the question in my ear, and I lean back against Charlie’s chest.

“My mom paid off Leo’s debt.” Best to be blunt.

“Hmm.” A soft kiss drags up my neck. “No need to stay married to me then, huh?”

“Nope.” I tilt my head, giving him better access. Then, in a slow languid movement, I turn in his arms, reaching to clasp my hands behind his neck. “Charlie Keller, will you stay married to me?”

His heart-melting grin is the only answer I need.



“You got your passport?”

“Yes, sir.” I pat the pocket on my backpack I zipped the stiff little booklet into this morning.

Charlie continues naming off items on my checklist, waiting for me to point out the place I packed each item. All the while, Leo watches us from the couch with a roly-poly pit bull sprawled over his lap.

“You all ever heard of being over-prepared?”

I suppress the urge to flip my brother off. He agreed to dog sit while Charlie and I travel for two weeks. I can deal with a little snark.

“I’m not about to get stuck in a foreign country without the proper supplies.” My voice comes out with only the smallest bite.

“It’s not like you’re going to the moon. I think they sell underwear and toothpaste in Taiwan,” Leo taunts.

“But not passports.” I turn a glare on him.

Leo rolls his eyes and smirks at Charlie. “Think your marriage will survive the honeymoon?”

“You’re soooo funny.” My voice could crumble to sand it’s so dry.

Two weeks ago, Charlie and I had our one-year anniversary. This trip is the honeymoon we never thought we’d take when the union was a farce. But now we’re going to the other side of the world.

And Leo is our mocking send-off party.

My twin lounging on my couch isn’t a strange thing anymore. The sight is a common occurrence nowadays since he moved to Nashville shortly after our thirtieth birthday. He needed to get away from the city he’d only ever been a criminal in, and I got him a job with my old boss, Treyvon. Despite my worry about putting my reputation on the line for a guy who could blow everything up in my face, Leo didn’t flake.

Much as I hate to admit it, the two of us are a lot alike. Other than the twin thing. For one, getting out of New Orleans and moving away from our toxic parents allowed us both to start fresh. Of course, I didn’t have an arrest record behind my name, and I’m certain Leo’s relation to me is the only reason Treyvon took the risk.

Turns out my brother has been kicking ass at the gym. He’s enrolled at an online college to get a degree in business. One night we were hanging out, and after a few beers Leo admitted he wants to ask Treyvon about being a manager once he finishes all his courses.

I’m trying not to get too hopeful, but it’s been eight months since he started, and nothing has changed.

Doesn’t hurt that he’s fallen in love with a beautiful lady.

The one currently sprawled across his lap.

“I’m going to give you so many treats when they’re gone,” he whispers loud enough for me to hear.

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