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Luna looks better in pants than I do.

My eyes track each of her steps as she glides up the aisle in her tuxedo pantsuit. Dash’s sister puts every man in attendance to shame by the way she wears her suit and excels in it.

As the small string band warms up, Luna and I take our spots under the floral archway.

“You look handsome.” The officiant pats down my lapel, and I treat her to a wide grin.

“As good as the CEO?”

Marianna Tweep smirks at me. “You’ve read my latest book.”

I shrug but keep on smiling. Marianna is one of the authors represented by Paige’s publishing company, but the two women became good friends outside of work. The author constantly graces theNew York Timesbestsellers list with memoirs about her eclectic life.

Who better to lead my best friend’s wedding ceremony?

“Don’t worry. I’m sure no one has figured out exactly which tech billionaire you had your liaison with.”

Marianna smiles wickedly. “Especially because three separate ones have already claimed to be the man to the press.” She leans in close to whisper, “All three are lying.”

I chuckle, then glance up to find Luna watching the two of us. Her face is unreadable, and I find myself ravenous to know what she’s thinking. I lean across the small space separating us.

“You ready to fulfill your position as Best Woman?”

Luna’s lips twitch, and she sinks a hand into a deep pocket only to pull it out a second later holding a small velvet box that no doubt holds the wedding rings. But then she dips her fingers into the other pocket, extracting them and clutching a travel-sized pack of tissues.

“For you?” I ask.

She rolls her eyes. “For Dash. My bet is the second he sees her in that dress, he’ll bust a leak.”

I consider the stoic man and shake my head. “No way. He’ll last at least ’til the vows.”

“Is Paige wearing a veil?” Marianna asks. “If so, I will place my money on when he raises the lace up. That will shake the man.”

“Five bucks?” Luna spikes a brow, and the three of us nod with conspiratorial smiles.

Just then, the groom appears at the door leading to the Herberts’ backyard. Paige’s parents earn enough money to afford a wedding at any one of New Orleans’ swankiest venues, but my friend insisted she wanted to get married here, in her childhood home. She said that this yard is where she fell in love with Dash, and it’s where she wanted to marry him.

I don’t doubt her reasons, but I think another unspoken factor was her future husband’s comfort. The less extravagant the better. I don’t know the particulars of Dash’s past, but I do know his family doesn’t come from money, and the guy spent a few years behind bars. The fact that Dash is now marrying a judge’s daughter is a certain kind of cosmic joke.

Another reason the backyard venue works better is the small size of the ceremony. Both sides kept the number of people they invited small, the entire party numbering thirty people at most. An intimate affair reflecting that the bride and groom prefer quality over quantity in their friends.

Plus, as far as I know, Luna was the only family member Dash invited. My curiosity continues to spike whenever the topic of Luna and the Lamont family arises. Don’t they have another brother? And Paige mentioned once that Dash’s parents live in the city.

Still, if they’re not here it must be for a reason. A good Man of Honor knows how to keep his mouth shut and not stress the bride out by prying.

Dash hurries up the aisle, his face an emotionless mask and his shoulders tense.

Better not be getting cold feet.

“Everything cool?” Luna asks when her brother settles at her side.

He mutters something under his breath. From the way Luna and Marianna lean in, I know they didn’t hear his response either and are just as interested as I am.

“What was that?” Luna prompts her brother.

His lips twist, then he raises his voice another notch. “Ginny said I jinxed it.”

The Best Woman’s brows dip. “Jinxed what?”
