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My face blazes hot with mortification, and I wonder if she feels the heat. “I swear I’m not trying to be this much of a mess around you. Did I hurt you?”

“No.” Luna lets go of my arm. “More like surprised me. I don’t often use my boobs as punching bags.”

“Of course not.” My focus drops to her chest, then I realize I’m leering at her like a creep. “Well, I’m going to go find a hole big enough to bury myself in.”

“Wait.” Luna grabs onto me again when I move to leave. A smirk touches the edge of her mouth as her sharp eyes spear me. “You’re not getting out of dancing with me that easy.”

“Sure you want to? At this rate, I’ll find a way to step on both of your feet. You’ll leave this wedding on a stretcher.”

“I’ll risk it. You just need to loosen up.” Luna clasps my hands and guides me in rhythmic swaying. My shoulders slowly relax under her instruction.

Gazing down into Luna’s dark brown eyes, I loosen up more as her presence drives away the tension in my body. Finally, I register the music, the different instruments working in a familiar conversation I’ve known my whole life. Music soothes the soul, and it calms me.

“That’s it.” Luna slides her hold up my arms until her hands rest on my shoulders. This time, I’m able to set my palms on her hips without any incidents. “See? You’re a natural.”

“Well, music is in my blood.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yeah. I guess with all the excitement on the boat, you didn’t get to meet them.” Applying a small amount of pressure to her strong body, I turn us until my parents come into view. “Mom and Dad. She’s a jazz singer. I grew up with more than just lullabies.”

My parents notice my attention and raise their wine glasses my way. I nod back, wondering how goofy my grin looks now that Luna is in my arms.

“They look nice,” she offers.

“They’re the best.” Her warmth soaks into my palms where I hold her. “I’ll introduce you later.”

Then, showing the first hint of intelligence this evening, I stop the question I’d almost spoken aloud.

The one asking about her parents. That would have been a bad move. Luna’s parents are Dash’s parents.

The people who live in this city but were not invited to the wedding.

Whatever the story is, I’m betting the mood won’t be improved by bringing them up.

“Do your parents live here? In New Orleans?” Luna asks before I come up with a different route to take the conversation.

“Yeah. They still travel for Mom’s gigs, but not as much as they used to.”

“Do they visit you in Germany?”

“At least once a year. Still, it’s hard living far from them.” Though the beginning of the dance was a clumsy mess, now the two of us move in perfect sync. Like we were made to dance together. Or maybe I just like to imagine we were.

“Are they why you’re thinking about changing things up?”

I shrug. “It would be nice to live closer. But my company doesn’t have any open positions States-side. Not ones related to my skill set anyway. I can’t quit. Not without another thing to go to.”

Luna nods, gazing over my shoulder, other thoughts I’m not privy to flitting through her eyes. Maybe she’s planning on relocating here from Nashville.

One more reason to come back home.

Even though I live on a different continent, I can’t help wanting to ask Luna out on a date. She’s intriguing, with the powerful way she carries her small body and the observant quality she has. I’m betting she knows every exit in this yard and the Herberts’ house, exactly how many people are at the wedding, and who is most likely to cause trouble.

She’d probably make a good federal agent. Or a spy.

Paige mentioned Luna teaches self-defense. Her students are lucky to have someone so badass showing them how to stay safe.

“What’s your living space like in Germany?”

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