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“When you approach a dog’s kennel, let them sniff your knuckles. Then offer them a treat but slip it through your fingers when your hand is in a fist. So you don’t lose anything important.” Cole demonstrates his directions by giving a milkbone to a shaggy black dog who whines in happy excitement at having people approach him.

One of the many eager animals in this rescue.

With Dash off on his honeymoon, he worried the shelter might be short volunteers this week. My brother used to work full-time here before becoming a manager for a local auto shop. Now he gives his time to the animals pro bono, paying back the place that took a chance on him when nowhere else would hire a parolee.

Wanting to give Dash the chance to truly relax, I offered to go to the shelter in his place. It’s not the first time. When Dash worked here, I always made sure to stop by on my visits to New Orleans.

Still, I always forget how loud the place is. Dogs howling and barking and whining, the chorus bouncing off tile walls. Charlie strolls at my side, seemingly unaffected. Overall, the guy has a laid-back nature.

Also, a helpful one, seeing as how he volunteered to come here with me.

Another mark in his favor that he’s willing to spend some of his precious vacation time helping abandoned animals. That’s only something a decent guy would do, right?

Problem is, I find it easier to expect the worse from people. I can’t help playing devil’s advocate with every argument my mind makes in favor of Paige’s best friend becoming my future fake husband.

Admittedly, I’m having a difficult time with this one.

Maybe Charlie is planning on starting an illegal dog fighting ring and needs some contestants?

Just as the far-fetched possibility pops into my brain, the man kneels by a smaller crate containing a mangy chihuahua. In a deep tone, he coos to the animal about how adorable it is.

And I’m forced to admit that at least when it comes to dogs, he’s a decent guy.

“Since this is Charlie’s first time, why don’t you walk a dog together?” Cole suggests. “This is Pig. She’s sweet. Great with the cats.” He leads us over to a kennel with a roly-poly pit bull. The dog’s face practically splits in half with her wide, panting grin. She’s a barrel on stumpy legs, her name apt.

“Will this fit around her neck?” Charlie eyes the slip leash, doubt in his voice.

Cole huffs out a laugh. “Her neck’s not that thick.”

When Charlie still seems unsure, I hold out my hand, and he lays the rope across my palm.

My brothers and I never grew up with pets, which is why I was surprised when Dash got a job here. Not that he had a lot of places to choose from. But then when I came by and saw him working with the animals, I was impressed. He’s the one who first showed me the technique to perfectly loop the slip leash around even the most rambunctious dog’s neck. Pig is easy compared to many I’ve walked in the past.

“That’s a good girl,” I murmur, leading her out of the kennel and toward the exit. Charlie follows just as obediently at my heels, and I wonder if he’d be as easy to train to be my fake husband.

Stop it, I hiss at myself.Controlling someone won’t work for this.

I need a partner. Someone I can trust to stick with me for the year. And that’s not something I want to get through manipulation. That risks the whole endeavor crumbling.

I only have one shot at this.

“You’re good at that.” Charlie watches me as I guide the pit bull out of the building toward a gated area. Once inside the fence, I slip off the leash, letting her off to run.

“I’ve done it before,” I shrug. “And Pig is well-behaved. Give it a couple of tries, and you’ll have it down.”

Charlie’s smile glows bright as the sunny day. “With you as my partner, I have no doubt.”

The comment causes goosebumps to prickle over my skin. A surprisingly pleasant sensation. The same tingle that caressed my nerves when Charlie climbed onstage during the wedding reception, accepting a guitar and strumming an acoustic version of Anita Baker’s “Sweet Love” while his mother crooned the song.

The warm sensation in my chest has to mean he’s the right pick for this endeavor. There’s no other reason I’d feel this way around him.

This is the beginning of trust.

And that’s all this is, I tell myself.


I discover Luna’s hidden talent: befriending beefy canines.
