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Luna nods absently, her eyes staring at the ceiling again. I glance up as well to see if our future together is projected there. If there’s a way we can study the events for any possible missteps.

“Okay,” she says quietly, then again with more conviction. “Okay.” She strolls out of the kitchen and disappears down the hall into a room, reappearing with a notepad and pen and paper.

“We’ve covered your demands. Or demand, more like. And we know what we’ll say to people. Now for the final discussion.”

“What’s that?”

The determined way Luna holds the pen both unnerves me and turns me on.

“The marriage rules.”



My entire childhood was a mess of ever-changing rules and no real structure. There was no way to know if I was doing or saying the right thing because my father would change his mind about what he wanted day to day, hour to hour, sometimes minute to minute.

So yes. I want rules. I want them written down and referable, that way we never question where we stand or how to approach this entire situation.

With these in place, I figure our chances of making it through a year can only increase.

“These are the parameters of our agreement,” I explain. “Both of our expectations.”

I settle at the table and poise the pen over the paper. “First rule, obviously, we must follow all the requirements set forth by my grandmother.”

Charlie nods, settling in beside me.

“Okay. Now you.”

Charlie takes the pen from my hand and slides the paper his way. Then he hesitates, brow scrunched, as if in deep thought.

“Seriously? You don’t have a list already? How are you unsure about this right now?”

Charlie offers a confused shrug. “I don’t know. I guess I thought we’d figure things out as we go.”

Oh, sweet, naive man.

“Maybe in an actual relationship.” I reach out to tap the paper. “But this is basically a business deal. Why don’t you add the stuff about Pig to start?” I prod him in the side, still not fathoming my future fake husband doesn’t have more hard limits at the ready.

Charlie carefully jots down a few sentences, then passes the paper back to me.

As if I have the right to add more.

I read over his scrawl.

Luna will adopt Pig, but Charlie will be the primary caregiver until the end of their marriage.

That’s it.

“Okay, what about house rules?” Maybe if I lead him enough, the ideas will start flowing.

Charlie tugs on his lower lip, thoughtful. “I don’t know. This is your house.”

“Oh my fucking god. This is like pulling teeth. Be a little selfish. A little honest. What’ll make you more comfortable here?”

He shrugs. “I’m an organized person. Not a fan of clutter or mess. You don’t mind me cleaning your place regularly, do you?”

My forehead hits the table, and not too gently. “You’re turning yourself into my live-in maid? What universe are we in right now?”

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