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I guess this is my punishment for laughing. Now I have to be the cake guinea pig. Mastering my self-control, I don’t let even the slightest cringe appear when Charlie offers me a forkful.He’s feeding me, I think, just as the chocolate hits my tongue.

Before, I’d thought I’d hoped for too much. That there was no way something could both be that ugly yet also taste delicious.

But Charlie managed it.

“What do you think?” my fake husband asks.

“Good.” I lick my lips. “Really good. I’ll take my piece.” When I hold out my hands, he passes the plate over. Then he cuts himself one, pleasure creeping over his face as he chews his first bite.

Proving to himself I wasn’t lying.

“How’d I do?” Charlie accepts my empty plate, setting them both in the sink.

“Like I said, the cake is tasty.”

“Thank you, but I meant with the anniversary. Was this too much? I figured since we’re only going to have a year’s worth, better make it count. And have them more often.”

“You’re going to do this every month?” The skepticism coats my voice, but I guess the guy has a lot of time on his hands to plan things if he wants.

Charlie steps closer to me. “Probably. How else will my cake game improve? Speaking of, you have some icing, just here.” He taps a long finger to his bottom lip.

I try to wipe the same spot on my own face, but he shakes his head. “Here. I’ll get it.”

And as if we’re a real couple and he’s done this hundreds of times before, Charlie cups my cheek in his warm palm and carefully swipes his thumb over my sensitive lip.

And a tension inside me snaps.



The caring look in Charlie’s eyes paired with the swipe of his finger does it. That simple touch has me forgetting the final rule of our marriage. The one that I wrote down because my subconscious knew that at some point Charlie would touch me in exactly the right way, and I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from kissing him.

The question is, why did I think a single line handwritten on a piece of paper would stop me from claiming what I crave?

I fist my hands around the straps of the apron he’s still wearing, barely keeping myself from jerking him down to my mouth.

“Kiss me. Now,” I demand.

Charlie’s brows shoot up. “Luna…”

If I was a different woman, the hesitation in his voice would cow me. I’d read the pause as disinterest. Pity. But I know Charlie now. How he cares. How he smooths over conflict, concerned about how others will view a messy result.

Crossing this line will cause a mess.

But with his plush lips so close, I can’t concentrate on the future. All that exists is surviving the present, and the only way I’ll survive is if I get to taste him.

I scoot to the edge of the counter, then spread my thighs wide.

“This is your last chance,” I warn.

I’m lying. I don’t give up easily.

But as I guessed, the ultimatum spurns him to action. Charlie surges forward, cupping my cheeks with his warm palms. Despite the heat in his eyes, the man stays gentle as he lowers his mouth to mine.

A groan of impatience tears from me, and when I reach for his face I’m not gentle. I grip the back of his neck and hold him in place, demanding what I want. Sucking on that sinful lip, pressing my tongue against his in a dirty promise. Charlie moans, the hot rush of the noise breathing into me. His hands drop to my body, fingers digging into my waist to pull me forward.

Against an impressive erection.
