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She moaned my name.

And now she’s freaking out. Which I understand. I really do. This agreement we have is all in pursuit of setting her brother free. A selfless act. And no doubt Luna’s worried I’ll start demanding more from her now in order to continue the ruse.

The thought that I’d try to manipulate Luna has me wanting to gag.

That’s not how you treat people you care about.

Tomorrow, I’ll figure out how to tell her even though I’d like things to change, they don’t have to. That I’m here for her in whatever capacity she needs.

I just can’t tonight.

I’m about to roll over and try to force myself to sleep when my bedroom door opens, and I jerk to attention when Luna pokes her head in. With quick fingers I slide my glasses on, wanting to see her face rather than a blur of features. The expression she wears isn’t any more welcoming than before, but she doesn’t hiss at me to leave her home.

“I want my dog,” she says.

Of course. She’s here for Pig, not me. Silently, I say farewell to the pup’s innocent, comforting presence.

“Not holding her hostage.” I give the pit bull an encouraging push toward Luna. The dog stays relaxed, a dead weight in the middle of my mattress.

Luna steps farther into the room. “Pig. Come. Come here, Pig.”

The dog cracks an eyelid. But then she just snuggles her head deeper into my comforter.

“Pig. Come.” Luna’s voice has shifted from asking to demanding.

But Pig doesn’t seem to care.

“She can sleep here tonight,” I offer.

So can you, I almost add.

No doubt that second statement would receive the same scowl my first comment gets.

“Pig likes sleeping with me,” Luna declares.

And normally, she’s not wrong. But tonight, Pig seems hell-bent on staying in my bed, going full boneless when Luna tries tugging at her collar.

“Fine!” Luna gives up and stomps out of the room.

There’s no victory in this. Only more tension between us.

But then a moment later, Luna’s back, carrying a blanket. “I’m sleeping with my dog,” she announces.

As if I’ll fight her on the idea of us sharing a bed.

The mattress dips as she climbs onto the other side, attention focused on her pillow and blanket rather than me. Once Luna is prone, she tosses an arm around Pig, the big spoon to her dog’s little.

The sight causes an ache in my heart even after I place my glasses on the bedside table and shut off the lamp.

I crave for this pair to be my family.Luna, Charlie, and Pig.

Sounds perfect to me. I bet I could get Pig on my side as easily as she spills over into my space on the bed now.

All we need is our stubborn woman.

But I won’t force her.

I’m just about to bring that up despite what I said earlier. Only Luna speaks first.
