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He ignores it, taking a casual sip of his coffee and pointedly not responding.

My sigh comes out all huffy. “I thought the sex was good. I liked it.”

Most of the time, I had orgasms with Derrick, which I read online wasn’t always something girls could expect.

I’m bracing for Nathan to say something. I mean, I’m talking about sex! But Lucifer just keeps up his steady stroll.

“Are we going somewhere?”

This gets him to turn his chin toward me. “If you want. But I figured we’d just walk for a bit.”

Suddenly, he releases my hand, but at the exact moment I start to miss it, the heavy weight of his arm wrapping around my shoulders grounds me. Then, hot shivers trickle across my cheek and neck at the caress of his spicy breath on my ear.

“When I went on a ski trip my senior year, my brother cut out all the ass cheeks of my underwear without me knowing. The whole weekend, I had to go commando or wear ass-less boxers.”

The random story hits me like a water balloon in the face.

My brain goes on the fritz, and all I can do is stare up at Nathan in openmouthed wonder.

How is it that he’s able to tell such a ridiculous story in a sexy, deep voice?

A gentle smirk drifts over his lips before he leans down to press a kiss on the side of my head.

“Wh-where did that come from?” I stutter on the question, barely having regained the power of speech.

Nathan chuckles. “You seemed embarrassed. I thought I’d put us on even footing.”

This guy. My heart gives a deafening kerthunk. A dangerous reaction that I can’t seem to help. A boldness overcomes me, and I wrap my arm around his waist, enjoying the soft texture of his T-shirt contrasting with the solid heat of his back.

Giving him a thank-you squeeze, I smile up into his comforting gaze. “I hope you paid your brother back.”

The gentle edge of his grin turns wicked, sending more pleasant shivers over my sensitive skin.

“If you mean, did I throw out all his underwear and fill his drawers with cotton granny panties? Then, yes. Yes, I did.”

The urge to laugh overwhelms me, and I bury my face in Nathan’s chest, letting the hilarity loose. As I gasp in breath, my lungs fill to the brim with his clove scent, and the tension in the muscles at the back of my neck relaxes.

Maybe it’s only been a couple of weeks since Nathan and I have been on speaking terms, but the way he hands over these silly pieces of his past makes me feel closer to him than some people I’ve known for years.

When I’m breathing normal again, I turn the two of us, so we can keep walking. The movement helps, and the words start to unravel from their tight coil deep in my chest.

“We’d been sleeping together for a few months, and I thought everything was aces. Then, he asked if I’d be up for watching porn with him. He said he’d been using it to learn new moves or something. I’d never seen any before, but I was okay with trying it out.” I shrug, and Nathan’s fingers press into my shoulder in a reassuring massage. “So, one night, we did. Nothing crazy, just a guy and a girl going at it. It got us both … aroused.”

My confidence wavers but more because I have a sudden image of Nathan and me sitting next to each other on a couch with a porno playing.

Would he get hard like Derrick did? Would he reach for me with his lazy gaze turning into a steady smolder?

Even if he did, I know how the rest of the scene would end—with unavoidable disappointment.

“So, we had sex. I thought it was good, but afterward, he seemed annoyed. He didn’t say why at first. Eventually, he did though. We watched more porn another time, and he pointed out how it was so different from what we did. How I didn’t act like the women in the videos.”

Nathan’s hand traces over the ridge of my collarbone. When I chance a look up at him, he’s facing forward, expression blank.

It won’t be in a minute though.

I brace myself for the pity.

“I … I’m quiet. In bed. The moaning and shouting and dirty talk … that’s just not natural for me. I can’t even pretend. He said it was barely better than getting himself off.”
