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Another fucking pull string.

I had sighed before looking around the basement we stood in.

Then I looked around in disbelief.

Jesus, fuck, was right!

"Maybe we should just burn the place down," I said in horror. "There's no fucking way I will ever be comfortable owning a place like this now."

"It can be cleansed," Uncle Quint muttered in disgust.

I shook my head. I didn't believe him.

There was no cleansing for a place like this. It was a goddamned horror show.

"We should call Julian," I muttered.

"Fuck Jules," Uncle Quinton muttered back. "We should probably call the cock sucking Council in on this shit."

I agreed, but shared anyways, "I don't actually think any of them are cock suckers, so I don't think it's fair of you to call them that."

Quinton glared at me. Under any other circumstances I would have grinned at him.

The room around me kept me from grinning.

The walls down here were painted an absolute shade of black so dark it sucked away some of the brightness coming from the light bulb hanging down from the ceiling.

There was a circular alter in the middle of the room draped in a heavy black cloth. The entire table top was covered in bowls and jars. Some of the jars were filled with what looked and smelled like old blood. The bowls that were crusted with it smelled rotten. A wide, circular mirror lay face up underneath the table and was smeared in blood. There were black candles on the floor, ringed around the table. The cement floor was covered in splotches of wax from where previous candles had been placed on the bare floor and burned out. There was a smell to the room that wasn't old or musty like I thought I would get when we came down here but instead sour, almost rotten.

"Well," Quinton drawled. "At least we know how she stayed hidden away from the Council now."

"Please tell me you don't think there are bodies, either animal or human, down here that once belonged to all that blood."

Uncle Quint shrugged like it didn't matter either way to him.

"I think the smell is just from the blood," he said casually. "Besides, I don't see anywhere to hide a body, even a smaller one, like an animal."

That was reassuring.


"Unless," he muttered thoughtfully, "something's been walled over. This space doesn't run along the entire building."

"Jesus," I muttered, hoping he was joking but knowing there was no way in hell he was anything but serious.

"Maybe you should run your hands along the walls," he suggested darkly. "See if you can feel anything out of whack."

I shot him a dirty look. "Why do I have to do it?"

"Because it's your shitty building," he shot back.

Oh yeah, it was my shitty building. A building I was regretting purchasing by the second.

It seemed the old blind bat wasn't exactly an innocent witch in hiding after all.

Reluctantly, I walked around the room, running my hands along the wall, searching for any change in the surface.

Thankfully, I found nothing. I turned to tell Quinton he was wrong and something under the stairs caught my eye. Without pointing it out to my Uncle, I moved that way to investigate.
