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Rain's lip curled in a sneer. "Why the fuck do any of you ever do anything? I worry about her there with him. He's damaged because of what's been done to him and it's no secret he doesn't think much of women outside of what they can do for his dick."

A blast of heat rolled off of him and smacked into me. I stumbled back a foot and almost went down to a knee. I held my hand up, palm out, trying to ward off another blow.

Shit and damn, this wasnotgood.

I tried to reason with him.

"I don't know how you missed it, but Dash is all about Ariel now and he'd never do anything to hurt her. He'd never cheat on her and he sure as shit wouldn't kick her out of the cottage. If it were up to him she'd live out there with him for forever."

The heat scorching my skin slowly retreated and I could finally breathe again. I rubbed my arms, my skin felt tight. I looked at my exposed arms and groaned. There was a faint pink tinge to my skin, testifying to the fact I'd been fried.

This was not going nearly as good as I had foreseen it going.

"If he hurts her," Rain growled menacingly, "I will tear his heart out with my bare hands. The same goes for the rest of you bastards."

Eyes wide, I nodded.

"Got it," I mumbled as I continued to rub at my arms. "I'll spread the word to the others."

Secretly, I hoped he had this talk with each and every one of them and deep fried their asses as well. I didn't want to be the only one, might as well spread the love around a bit.

Then, for some insane reason, I decided to overshare. "I bought the building partly because my dad always told me that we needed to do whatever was in our power to help the old broad even when she so obviously didn't want handouts from us. So, I bought the building partly out of guilt. The other part of me did it for Ariel. She told me this story once about going out on a date with this guy and him taking her to a carnival or fair or what the fuck ever it was.” Holy fuck, I was rambling and I couldn’t seem to shut my stupid mouth and continued.

“She said there was a fortune teller’s stand and she had wanted so badly to get her cards read. Unfortunately, she had no money of her own and her date had called the whole thing stupid and refused to pay for what he considered a waste of time and money because the lady was a phony. Ever since, I had promised I would read the cards for her and teach her how to read them herself. Something always happens, we are always too busy and I have just kept pushing it further back. I guess I thought," I paused as I waved both my hands uselessly towards the building, "she'd really get a kick out of this place."

Shit, I shouldn't have told him about her date sucking so bad, he didn't need to know that. Actually, he didn't need to know most of what I'd blurted out. Christ, maybe it was contagious, usually it was Ariel blurting everything out and now I was doing it. She was starting to rub off on me.

Rain eyed me curiously and I watched in fascination as life slowly bled back into his beautifully sad eyes. I couldn't feel weird calling his eyes beautiful when they were almost identical to my girls’ eyes.

Rain cocked his head to the side as he studied me, his eyes going from my boots all the way up to the top of my head, measuring me up. I stood tall and let him look his full. I wasn't going to flinch or wilt under his dark, careful gaze.

Finally, after what felt like hours, he asked, "What does everyone else have to say about you buying a building out of guilt and your love for their girl?"

Without thought, I replied, "She's my girl, too, and I could give a fuck less about what anybody else thinks."

The corner of his lips curled upwards in the ghost of a smile.

"You've got really big balls, kid," he mumbled under his breath. "I'll give you that."

He was wrong. My balls were average in size. My dick, though, was an entirely different story.

Seeing as the only person besides myself who'd be enjoying my big dick from now until the day I died was his daughter, I felt it best not to share with him and kept my mouth shut. I didn't need to give him any more reasons to want to kick my ass, at least, not until the pink on my skin had faded back to its normal tan. If he had another go at me right now, I'd likely end up with major burns instead of the ones I had now that would be gone in a day or two.

Rain was flat out grinning at me now and there was a weird, wild light in his eyes that kind of terrified me. At least when his eyes were dead I knew what to expect from him. It reminded me of Ariel. She often got a weird light in her eyes before saying or doing something nutty. I had a feeling this was something she'd inherited from her father.

Without a word, Rain turned his back on me and headed down the sidewalk, towards the front door to my building.

Guess we were going inside after all. I sighed in relief, happy that crazy light in his eyes didn't mean he was ready to fry me again.

He spoke over his shoulder as he walked. "Did you know that your Uncle offered me room and board at the house beside Marcus's?"

My eyes widened in surprise. I hadn't actually known that Uncle Quint had offered him a room at our house. Wasn't that something he should have asked the rest of us who lived there with him about first? That arrogant fuck Quinton didn't give two shits about what the rest of us thought. He wanted to keep Rain close so he could keep an eye on him, no matter what we wanted and no matter how buddy-buddy they seemed.

"You didn't know, did you?" Rain asked when I failed to respond.

I shoved my way past him and pulled my keys out of my front pants pocket. They jingled as I searched for the right one. I found it and inserted it into the deadbolt. I turned the key and heard the click of the bolt coming free. I twisted my key back before pulling it free of the lock and sliding it back into the front pocket of my jeans.

Hands free, I twisted the knob and pushed my way inside. The bell jingled to life above me, signaling the arrival of a newcomer. Sadly, there was no old, blind chick left to hear it. The obituary had said she'd died of natural causes and I hoped it was true and had nothing to do with magic. That could cause me a whole new level of problems I didn't want to bring down on my coven.
