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I yanked open the door and growled angrily, "Leave me the fuck alone, asshole."

Bright green eyes set inside the face of the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen filled with hurt and tears immediately began to pool at the base of her eyes. Her ash blonde hair had grown down well past her shoulders since I'd first met her and hung loosely around her face. She chewed on her lip nervously, sucking the black ring in her bottom lip into her mouth.

"Shit," I muttered as she lowered the hand she'd had raised to knock on my door. "Sorry, girl. I was asleep and wrongfully assumed you were one of the guys here to bug me. Sorry."

Shit. Yeah, I'd already said I was sorry, I didn't need to repeat it a bunch like an asshole. That would only serve to make her more uncomfortable with me than she clearly already was.

"I'm sorry, Ty." She mumbled quietly in her soft, sweet, feminine voice that I always felt straight in my dick every time she spoke to me. "I shouldn't have bothered you. I don't know what I was thinking coming here, but I'll just... um... leave you to it now, I guess."

She released the ring from her mouth as she played with the hem of her hoodie nervously, tugging it down roughly.

She turned to walk away but before she could get more than a step further away from me I reached out and grabbed ahold of her hand, stopping her.

"Please," I said when she finally looked back at me over her shoulder. "Believe me when I say that wasn't directed at you."

She gave a small, hesitant nod and I took advantage of her hand in mine and gave a gentle tug towards me. She stumbled backwards and crashed into my front. I wrapped my arms around her middle and lifted. She squealed as she placed her hands on my arms and clung to me.

I backed up into my room. Once we were both on the right side of the door, I turned around and, without putting Ariel down, lifted my bare foot and kicked the door shut.

I hustled us over to my bed, turned so my back was facing it and fell backwards. Ariel cried out in either shock or surprise as we fell. I landed on my back with Ariel still wrapped up safely in my arms and on top of me.

I dug my heels into the bed as I pushed my way up towards the headboard. When the back of my head hit my pillow, I rolled over onto my side and released Ariel. She scrambled out of my arms and turned over on to her back with her face turned towards me.

"Give a girl a little warming next time, Ty." She joked as she lightly slapped her hand against my chest.

My lips curled up in the ghost of a smile as I laid my right hand on her stomach and pressed my face into the hair at the top of her head. I inhaled the scent of cinnamon that clung to her hair and usually her skin.

"You smell like Dash," I informed her. "Like cinnamon."

She giggled quietly. "Damien and Julian think it's nice," she told me in confidence. "Neither one of them seemed to know it was Dash's scent. It comes from his shampoo. There's always a bunch of new girly crap showing up in the bathroom at home and I always just assumed it was Damien who bought it and put it in there for me. Either way, it doesn't matter, I can't bring myself to use any of it. Dash's scent is just so familiar to me now, so comforting."

Her cheeks tinted lightly with a blush and I bit my lip hard so I wouldn't smile at her and make her embarrassment any worse.

"I know that's weird," she mumbled. "I really am a freak."

The urge to smile immediately disappeared and I leaned back from her hair and scowled at her.

She frowned when she saw my face and her eyes filled with concern. "Ty, I-"

"Shut up, girl," I whispered fiercely and her mouth immediately snapped shut at my tone. "The last thing you are in this whole fucking world is a freak and I really don't want to ever hear you talking like that about yourself, it pisses me off. There's absolutely nothing wrong with you. You live with Dash now, it would make sense you would find his scent to be so comforting. You associate him with home now and this is the first really safe place you've ever been in before. There is not one thing wrong with that. If I'm being honest, I'm a little jealous of Dash right now because I'd love for you to carry my scent around on you all the time too. It's cute and sweet."

What I didn't tell her was the thought of my scent rubbed all over her skin made my dick even harder than her voice usually did when she said my name all soft and sweet like. I didn't think she'd appreciate hearing that from me at the moment, or probably ever.

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense," she mumbled without meeting my eyes. "I do feel safe there and it really does feel like home to me. I didn't think I'd ever get this level of safety and comfort from living somewhere but I've finally given up on waiting for the next bad thing to happen and have just been trying to focus on my magic and being happy. For once in my life, I think it's finally safe to be happy. And I have Rain now, so I've got a whole lot to be happy about."

I noticed she'd said she had Rain to be happy about but hadn’t said fuck all about the rest of us. Except for Dash, of course. It seemed he made her all kinds of happy. The lucky dick.

I slid my hand around her waist to her side and stroked my fingers up and down her ribs. Her breath hitched as her eyes widened and finally made contact with mine. Fucking finally.

"Are you afraid of me now?" I murmured. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I needed to know if things had changed between us because she'd seen me do such a horrible thing even if it was an accident, I'd still showed zero signs of remorse and I had no intention of faking it for her now or in the future.

Her brows furrowed in confusion. "Why would I be afraid of you, Tyson?" She asked in a voice laced with worry. "I feel like you've been avoiding me for the past week and I didn't know why. Which is why I showed up here in the first place. I wanted to know whyyouwere upset withme. I don't know why you'd think I would be afraid of you, though. What are you even talking about?"

I sighed in relief.

"I'm not upset with you, girl," I told her honestly.

"Then, what's your problem?" she demanded to know and I found myself having to bite back yet another grin when it felt like I hadn't had a reason to smile in weeks, maybe even longer. I'm surprised my face didn't crack from lack of having moved in that direction.
