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She glared at me as she moved to push herself away from me. I didn't let her go but held on to her tighter.

"Tyson," she growled low and adorably in warning.

I wanted to laugh in her face. There was nothing threatening or scary about her at all.

"I don't mind," I told her generously. "In fact, I'm fairly certain I'll enjoy it as much as you do, maybe even more."

"Tyson," she hissed like an angry cat. "This isn't a joke."

She was right, it wasn't a joke. In fact, it was pretty fucking serious.

"If you want more of that," I told her seriously, "all you need to do is speak up and say so or make your moves. No one will turn you down if that's what you're worried about. Unless it's the twins or probably my Uncle, then there's a good chance you might not have to put yourself out there to get whatever it is that you want. They'll probably go for it before you become brave enough to do it on your own."

Her eyes skirted to the side as color once again hit her cheeks.


"Umm..." she mumbled. "Dash kind of put the brakes on the physical too. He doesn't think I'm ready."

"Are you?" I asked bluntly and her eyes shot back to me. "You don't have to make the first move with me, girl, I'm not going to make you do that shit. But, that being said, I'm also not going to make any move on you though until you tell me you're ready. I don't want to push you too far too fast and fuck this up with you. I think you and I both get we've got baggage separately and now we've got baggage between us. We need to be careful so this thing we've got building between us stays good and never goes sour."

Her fingers trailed lightly down my back in the whisper of a touch and any amount of amusement I had been feeling immediately faded at the feel of her soft touch on me again. Again, when she'd initiated it.

"Thanks for taking care of me, Tyson." she said quietly. "Just now like you always do. You're the best friend a girl could ask for."

I frowned at her and told her harshly, "I don't want to be your friend, Ariel."

She flinched when I said her name.

I sighed. I mean, yeah, we could be friends, but first and foremost, I wanted to be her boyfriend. And I wanted her to call me her boyfriend before she thought to call me her friend.

"Yeah, you do, Ty." she told me authoritatively. "You want to be whatever I need you to be; whatever's best for me is what you want to give me. You and I both know it's true and you shouldn't try to lie to either one of us."

I narrowed my eyes on her. She had no problem meeting my eyes now and the seriousness in them caught me off guard. She was all over the place tonight and I was too slow to keep up with her mood swings.

I opened my mouth to demand an explanation to her fucked up words but snapped my mouth shut when her hands roamed further down my back, stopping briefly when she came into contact with the waistline of my jeans.

She drew in a breath sharply before her hands went lower and she palmed my ass in her hands.

"Ariel," I hissed as my dick twitched back to life.

Not this shit again.

God damn it.

What the hell was she doing?

"This is me telling you, Tyson," she murmured as her eyes dropped down to my mouth once again. "That I'm ready to take things to the next level. And you're going to give me that without worrying it's going to change things between us or drive me away because that's not going to happen."

I wanted to believe her, I really did. But it sounded too good to be true.

"How can you be so sure?" I whispered fiercely, wanting the answer almost as much as I wanted to stick my tongue back in her mouth. Almost, but not quite.

"Because you love me," she said simply and my heart skipped a beat. "And I love you. And you give the people you love what they need, it goes both ways, so there's that."

I had no idea where the sudden burst of confidence she was showing came from but I liked it. Still, because I wanted to know, I asked, "And what is it you need from me?"

I was momentarily ignoring the fact she'd proclaimed we loved each other. She was right on my end, of course, and I wasn't surprised she knew I loved her. I wanted to believe that she loved me, and made she even did, but I'd wait until she was less emotional for her to tell me again and believe it.
