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I ran my fingers through the soft strands of her light hair. When the strands fell through my fingers I picked up another thick chunk and repeated the process.

"What are you doing, Ty?" She asked in a lazy voice.

Instead of answering her, I asked, "Will you go somewhere and do something with me?" I licked my dry lips, nervous she might turn me down and crush my fucking soul.

"Where are we going, Ty?" she asked in response and I closed my eyes tightly in relief. I should have known better than to ever question or doubt in her.

"It's a surprise," I told her on a grin.

She blinked slowly as her eyes zeroed in on my mouth.

“Don’t,” I said in warning.

She blinked, this time not slowly and looked shocked. “Don’t what, Ty?” She asked hesitantly.

“Don’t look at my fucking mouth like that right now, like you want my tongue again.” I warned her seriously. “Or I am going to give it to you and, I know you missed it earlier because you were crying your eyes out, but Uncle Quint has already walked in here once to check on you. If we’re holed up in here for much longer, there’s a good chance he’ll bust in again and I really don’t think you want him to do that when I’ve got my mouth on you.”

“Shit,” she muttered, sounding horrified and I couldn’t keep the grin off of my face.

I shook my head as I tried hard to suppress the laughter. The twins were so fucking delusional it almost wasn't even funny.

"It wasn't..." she trailed off and waved her hand vaguely in the direction of the door. "While we were, um... busy?"


My eyebrows raised.

"Is that what the kids are calling it these days?" I asked, teasing her. Her lips flattened into a tight line and, before she could chastise me, I rushed to assure her. "No, he didn't come in here while we werebusy,and, even if he had, I wouldn't have noticed because I was all about you. He came in while you were crying, shook his head at us and left the way he'd come, quietly."

She pressed her hand into my stomach, low, just below my bellybutton as she muttered, "Weird, and not like him at all."

She had that right, it was incredibly weird but that was just my Uncle. There was no explanation for half the shit he did and I wouldn't even begin to try. It'd be wasted breath.

I untangled one hand from her hair and lowered it to my stomach where I placed it atop hers.

"You should get dressed before someone else busts in here on us," I advised.

She grinned at me, big and happy and I felt my breath catch in my throat at the sight of it. Her smiles were a rare gift I'd never ever grow tired o her granting me.

"I'll get dressed, Ty," she told me sweetly. "But, only because I want to see this surprise of yours, not because I care about someone walking in on me in here with you."

I frowned at her. This was not the shy, prudish girl I'd grown to love. This girl was bold and made me look like the prudish one of the two of us.

Good grief.

"I care," I told her honestly. "But I would appreciate you getting dressed so we can get out of here."

She smiled, put slight pressure on my stomach as she leaned into me and kissed me on the lips before moving back away from me and sliding off the bed.

I watched her as she moved around my bedroom in her bra and pants as she searched for her top and hoodie. She still wore a smile, but it was slightly smaller than it had been before, but it was still there and I couldn't help but find it endearing.

I shook myself out of it as she picked her shirt up from the floor and shook it out.

I sighed as I tore my eyes off of her and reached a hand out to my phone on my nightstand.

My fingers slid across the cracked screen as I activated it, bringing my phone to life. I pulled up the group chat I had with the rest of the guys. I scanned through the texts, noticing none of them were mine even though more than a few had been addressed to me. I really had been pushing them all away and Iwasa serious asshole.

I did what I should have done weeks ago and I sent them all a text message.
