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All valid points.

My feet slapped against the hardwood while I made a break for my bedroom. The door stood open invitingly. Behind me, I heard Quinton slowing down. He thought he'd won. I sprinted past the open door and Quinton cursed under his breath.

The door to Dash's bedroom was also wide open and inviting. I ran through and slammed the door shut right in Quinton's angry, pissed off face. I locked the door using my mind and slowly backed away from it.

The door shook violently in its frame as I imagined his entire body slamming into it from the other side.

"Ariel," he roared, and kicked at the bottom of the door.

I hoped for his sake he had his boots on or he might seriously injure himself if he kept this up.

I shouldn't have run from him, I knew it had been a mistake as soon as I’d started, but I couldn't stop myself. I was far too stubborn for my own good, but the bigger part of me absolutely was not ready to share with him what I had discovered.

What had he said when I'd first woken up? Something about me being a busy girl? He'd known something had happened and likely even knew that I'd gone somewhere and he obviously wasn't happy about it. He'd likely been on edge since Adrian's visit, and who could blame him? I’m sure we all were, but Quinton probably more than most.

The sudden quiet from the other side of the door caught my attention.

"Shit," I cursed viciously, and spun around. I'd forgotten about the stupid closet and the stupid bathroom I wasn't entirely used to sharing with Dash yet.

The closet door was the closest, so I ran through that open door. Dash was a weirdo and always left all the doors between us wide open. The only person who ever closed them was me and that usually only happened when one of the other guys slept in my bed beside me. The guys never mentioned the door being open or even attempted to close it. I always did it for Dash's sake, though I didn't think he cared all that much. One big happy family and all that.

Now his open door crap was going to screw me over big time.

The closet Dash and I shared was quiet as I crept through to my bedroom.

From the open door of my side of the closet, my bedroom appeared to be empty except for Binx who lounged on my bed blinking sedately at me like he'd just woken up from a long nap.That makes two of us, buddy.

I turned away from the cat and focused on my room. I couldn't even handle looking at him after my conversation with Romero. Just thinking about the man hurt my damn heart.

A hand fisted in the back of my tank top and my entire body was dragged backwards. I yelped in surprise but didn't try to fight him or run away again. I'd been stupid to have tried in the first place.

My back slammed into the closet door after the hand in my shirt let me go and his hand went into my chest, holding me in place and against the door.

"You ran from me." His voice came out low and dangerous, sending shivers down my spine. "I told you not to do that."

He had. But he should know by now that I didn’t listen very well. Especially not to him. This time I had good reason though, or so I’d thought.

"Look at me," he demanded harshly. When I didn't, the hand in my chest slid up my throat. He gripped my chin and tilted my head up where he wanted it to be, aimed right at him. I kept my eyes from him, though, and lowered my lids, hiding myself from him.

I couldn't face him just yet, I wasn't ready to tell him. I'd left a small piece from inside myself back in that cell with Romero. I wasn't exactly sure which part of me it was, but I knew it was vital to my being, and if I didn't get it back I'd never be normal again.

Quinton would see right through me, he always did.

"Fucking look at me, Ariel," he snapped impatiently.

I did no such thing. I closed my eyes and relaxed back against the closet door. He could snarl and rage all he wanted at me, that was okay. He'd never hurt me and I would never be afraid of him.

"You left," he accused, and relaxation became a memory as my body immediately stiffened. "I felt you leave. I came up to check on you because I knew your ass wasn't stupid enough to leave when we all should be on lock down until we can figure out what the Council is going to do next. I found your body here but your mind missing. You went into someone else's dream when you should have remained here where you're safe. I want you to explain yourself to me. Now."

See, here was where Quinton and I always got our wires crossed and things went sideways. He tried to control me and boss me around, so I rebelled and pushed back. It got us nowhere and just pissed us both off. I knew he came from a good place, but I couldn’t help but chafe at any type of authority since Vivian's death.

How many daddies had my bodyguards accused me of having? Here was another one.

"Where did you go, Ariel?"

He'd never let it go until he got what he wanted out of me. I caved because I needed to be honest with him anyway. I needed his help to find Romero and I couldn't do it on my own.

"I didn't do it on purpose," I blurted. "I don't even know how I got there. Honest, Quinton. I can't control it very well just yet. Rain has been teaching me, but it's taking me some time to learn. And I—"
