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Finally, Quinton looked at me. His eyes were full of pride and something that bordered on the edge of possession. I shivered and my nipples immediately hardened. Thankfully, I'd taken the time to put a bra on, so hopefully he wouldn't notice.

"That's what I thought you'd say," he rumbled in a voice thick with emotion. "Make your phone call. I want it on speaker so I can hear what he says, but I won't interrupt and I won't speak. Then we'll break it to the others together. I've got you, all the way, I've got you. And, Ariel?" He paused and his eyes grew intense, heated, maybe even a little angry. He waited to speak again until he knew for sure he had my full, undivided attention.

"Yeah?" I choked out, the look in his eyes scaring me.

"Don't you ever fucking question my loyalty to you or whether or not I trust you ever again after this, because I won't react well to it. I'm warning you right now, don't ever do it again."

I shivered again, this time for an entirely different reason as a chill raced down my spine. He was dead serious and he meant those words like he'd never meant anything before.

I nodded my head sharply, once, and ran from the room.

I understood him completely. Boy, did I understand him.

* * *

"Hello, child," Adrian cooed happily. "To what do I owe the honor of hearing your lovely voice over the phone?"

I stared at my cellphone on the island countertop and ignored Quinton looming over me as he glared down at it. Even the sound of Adrian's voice gave me the creeps, but I imagined it enraged Quinton. No amount of pretty jewelry would ever make what Adrian did in our home right in Quinton's eyes, and I couldn't say I blamed him for feeling that way because I felt much the same.

I cleared my throat and lied as sweetly as I possibly could. "I've been thinking... you know, about what we talked about before during that dinner at your house..." This part actually wasn't a lie, because I had been thinking about it a lot lately. "Well, maybe I was too hasty with my response."

Utter silence through the phone. I didn't speak as I let my words and the meaning behind them sink in.

"You... do you want to join us?" he asked in a carefully hopeful voice. "I never dreamed..." He swallowed loudly, loud enough to be heard plainly over the phone before hesitantly whispering, "After my outburst at the Alexander residence, I thought that would be the end of our amicable relationship and it crushed me. Now, I know I apologized for my behavior and tried to make up for it, but I know the female mind and how it works. I had no hope for us to have a friendship again. No hope."

Good grief!

I cringed.

Had he really thought we'd been some sort of friends? Was he crazy or delusional or something?

"Now you've given me my hope back, sweet child." His voice shook with some kind of emotion I didn't want to try and name, because I was sure it would scare the shit out of me.

Quinton squeezed my shoulder reassuringly.

"I'll send a car for you tomorrow and we will perform the ceremony immediately after your arrival," Adrian practically purred. "I would send one sooner for you, child, but we won't be ready for you until tomorrow afternoon. It's just not possible, because these types of things take a certain sort of finesse, if you will. And I'll need to let the other covens know of your decision and that the Council will soon have its very first female member. We'll need to whip together a celebration of a sort, one they're all invited to."

Oh shit, this was moving way faster than I had anticipated. It was almost as if he'd been waiting for the day I phoned him to tell him I wanted to join, because he seemed to know exactly what to do once he'd gotten over his initial shock.

"Uh, Adrian."

"Now, now, child," he said in a rush, cutting me off. Probably worried I would change my mind. "Don't you worry about a thing. And don't you worry about informing Quinton about the party or the ceremony. I'll take care of all of that."

Party? He had to be joking. I wasn't calling him so I could party with him and his creepy buddies. The things I was willing to do for my family and loved ones...

"I'll call Quinton right now and let him know in case they wish to join us tomorrow to celebrate you making history."

He had to be crazier than I'd ever thought if he believed for even one second any of my guys would want to join him in celebration. I didn't correct him. There was no point. Later he'd get it though.

"I'll text you tomorrow when the car is supposed to be there for you. Don't you worry about a thing, Ariel, and just so you know, you're making the right decision. I promise you, you'll see."

"Thank you," I murmured, not really meaning it at all.

"Speak to you tomorrow," he said and disconnected the call.

"Well, that was odd," I muttered. "It's like he rushed through the whole thing and couldn't wait to get off the phone with me. What the hell?"

"What the hell is right," Dash growled irately from the doorway.

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