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Liam watched me carefully while Raven refused to turn back around and face me.

"What about you?" I asked Liam. "You gonna share your tragic past with me now too?"

I had been spending way too much time around Quinton. His brashness was starting to rub off on me. Not a good habit to have picked up.

Liam's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Not so different after all, I see."

He wasn't wrong, I was acting like a total bitch.

I sighed, sat back in the supple leather of the seat, and closed my eyes tight.

"The Council is keeping secrets, big ones," I whispered in a tired voice. "The kind that destroys lives. One of those secrets has to do with someone I care very much about, and I'm doing this to see if I can set it back to rights."

I frowned.

No, that wasn't right. There would be no possible way to right that particular wrong. The past couldn't be changed, the future was the only direction I needed to be focused on right now. I could change the outcome ofthat.

"They have a person locked up and hidden away somewhere on their property, and I intend to find him so I can free him. This was my only shot at being able to search for him, and it's important I find him. I'm doing this all for him... and my coven."

Raven whipped around in his seat. The sudden noise of the leather creaking against his sharp movements had my eyes flying open.

"What about you?" he asked in a quiet, serious voice.

I frowned at him. "What about me?" What the hell was he talking about?

An uneasy look crossed Raven's face before his eyes left mine and shifted to Liam. "Told you she was different. Now do you see what I'm talking about here?"

"Yeah, I'm beginning to see it. It's practically fucking blinding."


I closed my eyes to escape their probing, questioning stares and confusing remarks.

An extreme tiredness seeped into my bones as emotional exhaustion took over.

"Are you hungry?" Liam asked in a quiet, sweet voice.

I shook my head, having no idea where in the hell that question had come from.

My stomach was in knots and I didn't think I'd be able to keep anything down even if I were starving. Eventually, I'd have to eat in order to have enough energy to be able to use my magic without keeling over and croaking.

"Alright, honey," Raven murmured in that gentle voice of his. "Let's get this show on the road."

It was time, but all I really wanted to do was go back home and crawl into my bed so I could sleep for the next forty-five years without waking up.

Chapter Fifteen

I Don’t Like You, Ariel Kimber

Surprisingly, and something that made me feel incredibly grateful, they were not standing in a line outside the motel waiting for me and gloating gleefully that they were finally getting what they wanted. Everything Adrian wanted from me, I was here to hand over by throwing myself down on my own stupid sword.

If Adrian had been out here to gloat, that would have been too much for me to take and I probably would have turned right around and ran my ass down the dirt road to get as far away from here as quickly as possible. Which wouldn't have been very fast and I probably wouldn't have made it very far.

Liam and Raven got out of the SUV first. Liam came to my door and opened it for me. I allowed this and just barely refrained from rolling my eyes so as not to offend him. I grabbed my bag and stepped down from the SUV. The moment the door closed behind me, Raven reached and plucked the bag right out of my fingers. This I did not bother to protest because I knew it would get me absolutely nowhere and be an utter waste of my time. It was about respect, and the simple fact I had a vagina and magic. I had a feeling that was all it took for a guy like Raven normally, but he kept calling me different and meaning it in a good way, so that might have been all it took for a guy like Raven, but it was also a whole lot more.

No, I certainly did not need to make any more friends, but it felt really good to know that I just might have made one with this man. And even if it hadn't gotten quite that far yet, just the potential that it might one day get there was more than good enough for me. He was good people, I knew that for certain now, and this place could use as many of those as it could get. However, the jury was still out on Liam, and I wasn't quite certain what kind of people he was yet. My guess was on the part asshole kind. Who knew what the rest of him was made up of.

Raven switched hands with my duffle and slung it over his shoulder farthest away from me. His free hand went to the small of my back, his palm flat, and I felt what I usually felt every time one of my guys touched me. Heat. A wonderful, delicious warmth that only a male witch could give off where I was concerned. It wasn't exactly the same, though, because that heat stayed where his hand remained and didn't travel down further to my nether regions and give me a jolt of excitement.
