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I sucked on my finger until the taste of copper no longer filled my mouth. I despised the taste of blood, but I disliked ruining my things even more.

I picked my last object up—the white candle. I needed something else for this part, and I wouldn't find it in the trunk.

I sat the candle down on the rug beside the jars and stood up. In the bathroom, I found several of those small paper cups beside the sink and took a few of them.

I pulled open a drawer that had a bunch of my stuff in it like tampons and random hair ties and dug around until I found what I was looking for. A black BIC lighter with a green, happy-looking t-rex on it. Bingo, baby. I had these little buddies all over the place and I could still never find one when I needed it. Today was my lucky day.

Back in my bedroom, I sank back onto the rug before my trunk. I flicked my lighter to life after picking the candle up. I didn't even need the lighter, but I wanted to keep my energy up in case I needed to make a big move, with the Council anything was possible. I didn't want to deplete my energy doing parlor tricks.

I held the candle aloft for a minute while the wick burned. When the wax began to pool I held the candle over one of the jars and tipped the candle to the side, spilling wax over where the lid screwed onto the jar, sealing it shut with wax.

Not even enough to do an entire jar. I let it burn a little, and when there was a tiny bit of wax, I tipped it over and allowed the wax to drip into the bottom of one of the paper cups. Before the wax could harden, I stuck the butt of the candle in there and held it until the wax was solid. I left the candle there standing up straight and burning.

I picked up another candle off the rug and lit the wick. I repeated the process and stuck the butt of the candle into a tiny pool of wax in the bottom of another tiny paper cup.

When the wax pooled up on the candles, I picked them up, paper cups and all, and poured the wax over the jars, sealing the lids in place.

When it was all done, I was emotionally drained and exhausted. After my confrontation with Adrian, I must have been cruising on an adrenaline rush and now I was crashing hard.

I stowed away everything back inside the trunk, but the now sealed jars, and tucked the trunk away under the bed. I ran my hand smoothly over the top of the trunk and heard the lock click into place.

I decided to skip taking a shower and to even skip out on pajamas.

Standing, I scooped up the jars in my arms and carried them over to my dresser where I placed them beside my cellphone and the remote to the television. Tomorrow, I could finish what I started.

For now, I was going to bed. It was early, the clock said eight p.m., and still the house remained as quiet as a tomb.

I stripped down to my cami and underwear. I dropped the rest of my clothes into a neat pile at the foot of my stupid bed. Tomorrow they could go into the laundry basket in the closet Dash and I shared until one of us decided to do the laundry. Which would be Dash, just in case you were curious. If I did our laundry, he would get annoyed with me.

I didn't have to work at the shop tomorrow, so I didn't bother with setting an alarm on my phone. But I did grab the remote control off the dresser before crawling into bed directly underneath my dream catcher.

I got comfortable and turned the TV on. Going through my apps, I pulled up Amazon Video and went to my library. Tyson and I had a thing for sports shows and we'd watched all of Friday Night Lights. We'd moved from football to basketball and were now watching One Tree Hill.

I wasn't invested in the show yet, not like I had been with FNL, but I figured I just needed to watch more of it.

I set the sleep alarm on the TV to shut off in forty-five minutes and hit play on episode five.

I fell asleep five minutes in, and I still didn't like it as much as FNL.

I woke up briefly when large bodies pressed in on me from both sides, sandwiching me in.

"What's going on?" I mumbled drowsily, as I snuggled into the body in front of me. The person behind me wrapped their arm around my middle.

"Sleep, pretty girl," one of the twins whispered. I was too tired to tell which one had spoken. Usually I could always tell the difference.

"Sleep," the other one whispered before lips pressed against my temple.

I did what they said and I slept.


And without dreams, even happy, fluffy ones.

Chapter Three

I Can’t Swim

"Just what do you expect me to do with this?" Addison asked curiously, as he stared down at the shovel in his hand that I had just handed to him. His hair looked white today and his blue eyes shone with mischief.
