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They moved around the circle. Their heads lowered and their arms spread out at their sides. They began chanting words in a language I couldn't even begin to understand. Their arms rose higher and higher as their words became louder and louder, the tone picking up excitement and something I couldn't quite understand, but I felt their exuberance.

A shiver slithered down my spine. I think I was the only one here not excited. The feel of their magic brushing up against me felt wrong, almost like a betrayal of the worst kind. I shoved that thought aside and concentrated on the different textures of heat and magic coming at me from every angle.

It coated my skin, invaded my lungs, seeped into my pores. I practically choked on their magic and it just kept coming at me, relentless in its pursuit to consume me.

I couldn't deny the part of me that enjoyed the sensations, and I found myself unable to resist for a second longer. I opened myself up to them completely and entirely. Not a single one of them hesitated to press the advantage.

I lost my hold on myself and my magic. The lights flared brightly before exploding. The room filled with heat and a blinding light. I lifted a heavy arm to shield my eyes from the light, but it was entirely pointless.

Overwhelmed and depleted, I collapsed to the floor and immediately passed out.

* * *

Something wet hit my face, and I lifted my hand, going for it in order to wipe the wetness away. My hand came up tacky, wet, anddripping. There was also a hint of pain inside my wrists. Almost as if there had been a great deal of pain before but it had faded, leaving a phantom of itself behind to linger so I would never ever forget it had been there in the first place.

I blinked my eyes open and stared down at myself in horror.

This could not be right.

This was not happening.

Not to me. Not now. Not ever.

"What in the actual fuck is going on here?" I slurred out, sounding like a drunken fool.

Again, because it was worth repeating, but not out loud because when I spoke I sounded like a freakingdrunk, what in the actual fuck was going on here? And since now seemed like a damn fine time to use the F word, so fine it seemed like the F word was practically made for situations like this one, where in thefuckwere my clothes?

I stared down at my very naked body covered in what appeared to beblood,and I thought that if there was ever a time in your life to regret the choices you made that brought you to the place you were in, then this was the time and the place for such regrets.

Also, I figured out what the bathtub was for, seeing as my naked ass was currently lying on my back in it.

And did I mention I was covered inblood?

"What the fuck?" I semi-repeated on a horrified shout. A horrified shout that came out sounding a whole lot like my own voice since the slur had miraculously disappeared. I still had no clue why it had been there in the first place.

I turned my arms over, examining the insides of my wrists where the fading by the second pain was. There were raised pink lines there that I had never seen before in my whole life. It looked like someone had slit my wrists, but that couldn't be possible... right?

I watched with no small amount of fascination as the pink began to fade to white and the marks disappeared altogether.

Holy crap!

Julian would think this was phenomenal and he'd want to examine me and shove me under a microscope. My heart hurt at the thought of one of my family members. Right now they seemed so far away.

Adrian's face appeared at the foot of the bathtub. His hands gripped the lip of the tub and he crouched down low.

His beady eyes raked up my body, starting at my feet. They ate up my legs greedily. They grew heated when they made it to my crotch. They started smoldering as they slithered their way up my middle, and I felt saliva start to gather in my mouth as my eyes started burning.

I felt violated just by the touch of his eyes on my skin. What would it feel like if it were his actual hands?

I gagged.

I fought the urge to lean over the side of the bathtub so I could puke up my dinner and I won. Then I fought the urge to cover up my pink parts, and I won that too.

I did not feel good about either victories, but I did feel good about the fact I wasn't showing more weakness in front of this man.

My voice came out harsh when I asked in a low whisper, "What the hell have you done to me?"

I really wanted to know the answer to that question. At the same time, I absolutely did not want to know. Some things a person was better off not knowing. Like, if this man had copped a feel while I'd been out. I figured I was better off not knowing.
