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Wordlessly, he handed over the torch. I let him go long enough to bend over and snub the torch out by rubbing the tip of it across the dirt.

I wrapped my arm back around Romero and dragged him through the clearing toward the woods, headed in the direction of what I had guessed was north. When we crossed over into the woods, I hauled my arm back and chucked the now dead torch into the woods. It sailed through the trees before smacking into a branch and falling down into a massive pile of leaves. The whole thing filled me with regret as soon as it had landed in that pile, because it had been far too loud in the silence of the forest.

I looked back over my shoulder for the very first time since starting this wild journey, and stepping through the vines what felt like hours and hours ago. Figures wearing dark robes that matched the one I'd given Romero started pouring out of the open door we'd just come through minutes ago.

"Holy fuck," I whispered in horror. "I know you feel like garbage right about now, and your body is on the verge of shutting down, but I'm going to need a little more from you. I need you to run with me. Can you at least try to do that for me? If not for me then for Dash, please?"

He'd either do it or I'd drag his ass through the forest on my own. Those were his only options, because I wouldn't be leaving him behind for the Council to find.

Romero looked bad over his shoulder and shuddered violently. His arm fell away from my shoulders. He reached behind and grabbed my arm, pulling it away from where I had it wrapped around his body. He grabbed ahold of my hand and laced our fingers together. His grip on my hand tightened almost to the point of pain.

"I can run," he whispered fiercely, and pulled on my hand, practically dragging me behind him.

"There!" someone shouted behind us. "I see movement in the trees."

We ran.

Together, hand in hand through the trees, we ran. Both my shoes came off and we both continued forward barefoot. My feet stung with cuts and scrapes and who knew what else. I tried not to feel it as I ran faster and faster, until I felt like my lungs were going to burst.

About a mile and a half later, Romero started slowing down and fell back. I couldn't believe he'd made it that far without passing out.

His fingers started to slip through my sweaty grasp and tears finally started to fall down my cheeks. This night had been one out of my nightmares, it couldn't all be for nothing. I would not leave him behind. Dash thought his father was dead, he had a right to know the man was alive and to see him, to get to know him man to man.

If we didn't make it out of this and Dash found out that we kept this from him, I didn't think he'd ever be able to forgive those of us who'd been involved in this night.

My feet skidded across the rough ground, aching in agony as I whirled around, reaching back for him. Romero hunched over, his hands on his knees as he wheezed.

The crashing in the woods grew closer by the second. I couldn't imagine actual Council members running through the forest, so it must have been the lackeys.

"Tell—" Romero wheezed and panted between each word. "My son...that I love him."

No. I shook my head and the tears came even faster.

I absolutely would not do that.

If he didn't make it out of this, he wouldn't be alone, because I'd rather die than leave him. We'd go down together and neither of us would ever see his son again. I would never get to tell Dash that I loved him again myself.

"Keep. Going," I gritted out harshly through teeth clenched so hard my jaw hurt with each word.

He had to. He couldn't quit on me now.

An arm slid around my middle from behind and I was hauled back into a hard chest. I opened my mouth to scream bloody murder, but was cut off when another hand went to my mouth, cutting me off. I struggled, kicking my legs back and fighting to get free.

Romero's eyes widened as my attacker started dragging me backwards and, in my state of panic, I didn't even think to use my magic defensively to free myself. Romero no longer had magic to use, so he went for a different tactic. He charged forward, running straight at me and my attacker.

"Make him stop before he gets hurt," Quinton whispered urgently in my ear. I sagged in relief against his hold on me and his hand left my mouth.

"Romero, stop," I choked out. "It's okay, he's here to help. This is Quinton Alexander, and he's a member of my coven. Remember, we talked about him before?"

Recognition flashed in his crazed eyes. Immediately, he halted in his tracks.

A dark figure darted out from behind me and ran right for Romero. Quinton's hand covered mine again when I once again went to scream, this time not out of fear for my safety, but in warning for Trenton to be careful with Romero. If my bodyguard hurt this man, even by accident, I didn't think I'd react well to it.

Trenton dropped down, rammed his shoulder into Romero's stomach, and lifted him up with Romero draped over his shoulder. Trenton wrapped his arm around a weakly struggling Romero as he whipped around and darted back toward where he'd come from.

"Tell him it's okay, baby," Quinton urged in a rush. "We need him to calm down so we can get him out of here as fast and safely as possible."

I noticed then Quinton hadn't once addressed Romero himself, but instead had instructed me to speak one on one with him. It was weird and I swore to ask him about it later when we'd made it out of this wretched place.
