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"What are you guys doing in here with me?" I asked, too curious for my own good. Like always.

"What?" Damien questioned in mock offense. I knew he wasn't really offended. "You don't want us here with you? Were we supposed to leave you alone with Quinton's grumpy ass? That doesn't sound too nice. I think you've had enough of him, I can tell.”

I smiled at him sweetly over my shoulder. "Of course I don't mind that you're here. I just assumed you'd be downstairs with everyone else..."

The smile slipped off my face. I would have to go down there soon and face the music, as they say. Tyson's look of betrayal... Dash's look of disgust... Annabell as Adrian swiped that bade across her throat...

And last, Adrian's disgusting words about how Marcus felt about me. That wasn't the worst, but it certainly ranked right up there and I couldn't seem to get the words out of my mind. He'd loved Vivian, had sex with her, and I'd thought he was a good person because he'd been so damn kind to me when I needed someone to take care of me. It felt almost like he'd cheated me out of something somehow.

He didn't really want to sleep with me, right?

Adrian was full of shit.

There I went again, crawling back to my old friends, denial and delusion. They welcomed me with open arms.

"Everyone else is doing just fine," Quinton said sharply. "It's you who's not doing so good, and I think I already told you how I feel about that. I also told you Dash and Romero need you right now, so you need to snap the fuck out of it and pull your shit together so you don't look like a walking dead girl when you go downstairs. I thought Julian and Damien were the safest bets with you right now, because they stayed with you and you didn't freak out on them or tell them to get the fuck out. So they're here to help me make sure you're okay before we go downstairs and meet up with the others."

How he could be so blasé about a woman dying, I did not know, but it was really beginning to piss me off. I had tried to be okay with his feelings because he had a right to them, but he wasn't giving me the same liberties and that was what was pushing me too far.

I had the strangest urge to stick my tongue out at him and tell him he wasn't the boss of me, but I didn't want to push him right now. He'd meant every word he'd said to me earlier, and I didn't want there to be problems between the two of us. I kept my mouth firmly shut, but I did glare at him.

Julian, completely ignoring Quinton's existence entirely, picked up the bottle of body wash from its place on the floor. He soaped up his hands into a nice, bubbly lather, and approached Damien and me with determined eyes.

It felt weird to be naked with this many people in so small a space. I had spent far too much time naked lately and around other naked people. At least these ones were people I actually wanted to be naked around. Those other ones... Ugh. I really did not want to think about seeing Adrian's dick ever again. For a chubby man, you'd think his, you know, might be, er, chubbier?

Good lord.

I was out of my own freaking mind and thinking about chubbies instead of focusing on what was going on right in front of me.

"Really?" Quinton drawled, and my head snapped up and zeroed in on him. He wasn't looking at me though. He was solely focused on our companions, and he looked annoyed again.

"What's the—"

My lips parted and my eyes widened.

Damien's eyes were closed and his hands were balled into tight fists at his sides. He stood stock-still as Julian's soapy fist pumped up and down on his cock. My eyes were glued to Julian's hand, and I stared in fascinated wonder as if I'd never seen hands or a cock before.

It was a beautiful sight that had wetness pooling between my legs. I was instantly turned on. But it felt wrong to watch, like I was interrupting something, their intimate moment together, and I took an unsteady step back.

Damien's eyes snapped open and zeroed in on me. Julian's hand stopped just under the thick tip of Damien's cock and stayed there. His head came up out of Damien's neck and gazed at me with eyes that had heated into pools of liquid lust.

"Don't let me interrupt you two," I choked out in a voice that squeaked at the end. I felt heat hit my cheeks and knew I'd be blushing scarlet. I glanced down and found it had spread down my chest as well and there were red splotches everywhere. Not very attractive.

"You're not interrupting us," Damien murmured. "You could never do that."

"Oh no," Julian agreed, "we want to put you between us. Come on over here and take over for me so I can put my hands on you instead."

"Oh yes," Damien murmured happily. "Please."

Oh lord, they sounded like the Salt and Pepper twins right now. I hadn't had sex with them yet, because they, too, wanted to put me in between them and make a sandwich. In theory a sandwich sounded awesome and I'd even read up about it, and not just in romance books. I googled the shit out of it and it had scared the crap right out of me. It just looked so damn painful, and I'm not even going to lie here, I wimped out when words likestretchingcame out to play.

No sir.

"Ugh, guys," I said quietly as I took a step back. My back met with glass and I placed my palms flat against the glass, steadying myself. I laughed nervously and shot panicked eyes in Quinton's direction.

"Oh for fuck's sake," he muttered under his breath. Then, ever the asshole, still it couldn't be denied that he knew me better than most anyone else, he growled at them, "She's never had anal sex before and isn't in the mood to try it out today. Why the hell do you think she hasn't slept with the twins yet? It scares her. Right now you're both scaring her too, and that’s not why I allowed you idiots to come in here with me. Either knock it off or get the fuck out. Those are your only two options."

"No anal," Julian said, as he nodded his head in acknowledgement. "Got it. We can save that for another time."
