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My eyes roamed around the room curiously, taking in everything.

My Salt and Pepper twins were on the floor in a corner with their backs against the wall.

Rain stood stoically straight across the room from me with his back to the wall, his arms crossed over his chest, and a look on his face that gave fair warning to anyone who thought to approach him and told them they better think better of it. I smiled at him sweetly and his lips curled up in a small, half smile meant only for me.

Quinton sat in an armchair off to the side and slightly isolated from the rest. I didn't know if he'd done it on purpose or if that had been the only chair available to him when he'd come down here late.

Damien and Julian sat alone on their couch, tucked in side by side but barely touching. I still hadn't quite figured out their relationship and I didn't understand why they weren't more open about it. There was room for Tyson to sit with them, and after giving me a little shove toward Dash and his dad, he went and sat down next to Damien.

Damien stuck his nose in the air and scooted closer to Julian. Julian turned to look at Tyson and grinned at him mischievously.

I honestly didn't want to know what their problems were with each other now. They could fight it out amongst each other and leave me out of it.

I stumbled toward the couch and dropped down onto the seat between father and son. Dash immediately reached for my hands in my lap. He placed his hand over them to stop my fidgeting.

I looked up at him nervously, and he must have seen how on edge I was because he cursed under his breath and released my hands. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side. His fingers immediately began playing with my hair, which was hanging down over my shoulder, and he gave it a gentle tug.

His mouth came close to my ear and, for my ears alone, he whispered, "Don't look so scared. We're all family here and we all love you.I love you and my dad does too."

Yeah, I knew he loved me, but no way did he have any clue what he was talking about when it came to his dad's feelings toward me. That was just nuts.

Dash kissed the top of my head and his beard scratched the side of my face roughly. "You're a goddamn miracle worker. You brought me back mydad. What the hell am I supposed to do with you, my girl, my little warrior?"

That was the second time he'd called me his little warrior and the first time he'd added his savior to it, unbelievably.

Words failed me. Most especially because emotions clogged my throat, making it impossible to speak. Dash was a complete psycho if he thought of me as a miracle worker though. I mean, geez, didn't he remember getting knifed up due to my crazy stalker BS back in the day? Okay, technically that one was Quinton's fault, but we wouldn't go there right now.

"Whatever you say," I muttered in embarrassment. I wasn't used to them telling me they loved me in front of the whole group. I hoped no one else chimed in, because I might get up and bolt if they did.

"Such an odd girl," Romero murmured quietly.

Everyone finally turned to look at the man, and I wondered if they were still being weird and ignoring him like they had been that first night we got him here. That had been odd, to be sure.

"What the fuck did you just say about my daughter?" Rain snarled at Romero. A look of pure wrath took over his face, and I knew if I allowed this to progress any further, Rain would lose his shit and things would get ugly. The formal living room would likely end up destroyed.

On the plus side, look at that! They definitely weren't ignoring him anymore.

Good times.

I turned to Romero, and even though it seemed weird as hell, I grinned at the man. I'm sure it didn't look natural in the slightest, but it was the best I could drum up. "I hate to be the one to break this to you, Romero, but you're not exactly the model for normalcy around here."

"Yes, well," he huffed, "that's to be expected, given the circumstances. Also" —he waved his hand toward my glowering father— "I've met your Rain that you called out for in our dream, and I must say he's just as odd as you are. Though you are far more charming than him. Not a quality you two share, obviously. And you're far prettier than he is, that's for sure. Though, if Iwereattracted to men..." He trailed off and left it be at that.

I snickered at the insinuation that he might find my dad attractive if he were into men.

"Who knows... I could like men now and I might not even know it. Lord knows my dick never worked for all the women the Council sent down to visit me," Romero mused.

I choked on air as my eyes widened comically. I looked around the room and saw the others staring at Romero as if he'd sprouted another head or a third eyeball or something.

"He has no filter and says whatever comes to mind," I blurted. "And it's not always appropriate."

"I'll say," Rain muttered irritably.

At that moment, Trenton followed Simon into the room. They both zeroed in on me instantly and came right over to me. Without hesitation, they both sat down on the floor in front of me with their backs to my legs. They leaned back against me and I sighed as something inside me loosened and I found myself finally being able to relax for the first time since walking into this room.

"Hmm..." Romero hummed thoughtfully. "I've never seen the bond between Guardian's and their charges before. Interesting. Tell me something, are you three—"

I cut him off before he could possibly finish that last sentence. "Shut up, Romero, and maybe try thinking before speaking."
