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Romero turned his glare on me, and I pretended to look innocent.

I was sure I failed, but I gave zero fucks.

Eventually, he got tired of glaring at me and stormed off with the bag and his and Rain’s coffees. I knew he was going to go bitch to Rain about me.

And I gave zero fucks about that too.


Pack Up Your Shit


My head might have been all kinds of messed up and likely probably always would be, but I knew a bad thing when I saw it, and watching fucking Finn of all people flirt with Isobel was absolutely, without a doubt, a bad thing.

When I said this to Rain, he looked at me with just a little too much glee. He was a serious fucking dick who spent far too much time living in denial and hiding from his feelings.

If he were anyone else, I wouldn’t have had a problem with calling him out on that shit, but since it was Rain, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.

I was a straight up sucker when it came to that man.

Which was a complete load of bullshit, because I had promised myself I would never get involved with another person again. I told myself I’d be alone forever because that was the safest way for me to live my life for not only me, but my son as well.

That all went to shit when I realized that the people my boy had surrounded himself with were all decent people who’d never try to fuck either of us over for anything, because they were the real deal when it came to family.

It still killed me to know that I couldn’t give him that, it really fucked with my already messed up head, but I was glad he found people who gave him that. It was all I’d ever wanted for him, all I’d ever dreamed of since the day he was born.

It made it easier to let down my guard around these people. When I did… well, that was when I noticed Rain. He loved his daughter just as much as I loved my boy and showed it in almost everything that he did. When I figured that out, I really started to pay attention to him.

I liked every fucking thing about the man. Well, almost everything.

He was fucking gorgeous. I hadn’t been attracted to a man since I had been a teenager, and that had ended badly. I always chose wrong, it seemed, or someone else chose badly for me and then my choices had been taken away from me entirely.

I didn’t like to think of either of those times, or the fact that I was a man in my forties and I’d only ever had sex with two people in my whole fucking life, and I deeply regretted both of them.

I shook off my thoughts and focused on driving so I didn’t accidentally run someone over. Driving really wasn’t something I enjoyed doing, and if I could afford it, I’d hire myself a driver.

I’d made the mistake of saying so in front of my boy, and he’d looked enraged. The very next day, there was someone to cart my ass around in a fancy SUV. After half an hour with some cheese dick driving me around, I sent him on his way. Dash was pissed, and I decided not to open my big mouth around my boy again. There went my hopes and dreams down the toilet, and no more fantasies of a driver after that, because they either had to be silent or someone I liked. Problem was, most people couldn’t keep their mouths shut to save their lives, and I didn’t like most people.

Too bad Rain couldn’t be available to do the job—a ride and a nice view.

Surprisingly, Finn drove a kick ass car. Then again, he could be a shady motherfucker, so maybe it was stolen.

The Charger was black, and the tint on the windows was so dark it had to be illegal.

The only reason I knew he was driving was because I’d stalked his ass and watched him get behind the wheel.

He drove like a fucking lunatic, and it wasn’t easy to tail him and do it without him noticing.

I was starting to think that maybe I should have taken a page out of Rain’s book on this one and let it be, but at this point in my life, I wasn’t going to leave anything up to chance, and I sure as shit didn’t want a wildcard blowing up in our faces.

He stopped at a liquor store and came out with a plastic bag in one hand and a brown paper bag in the other.

Then I followed him to the beach. He parked but didn’t get out of the car. I hoped like hell he wasn’t in there jerking off while I sat here watching his car. That’d be a new next level low, even for me.

My patience faded the longer I sat there watching his car. Time dragged on.

Seriously, what in the fuck was he doing in there? It sure as hell didn’t take that long to jack your dick off, but maybe he had some weird kink that made him last longer. Like, maybe he was in there choking himself out with his seatbelt or something?
