Page 19 of Monster Mansion

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The two of us stumbled to the front door with a pleasant mix of drink and exhaustion, hanging all over one another like high school kids. Jake had said in all his visits to the property in his youth, he had never actually been inside the mansion. I slowly opened the door so he could get the full effect, and I was glad to see the expression on his face shift to pure awe as he took in the sight of the foyer.

Jake’s eyes shot open to the size of dinner plates. “Holy animals, Batman.”

“Isn’t it wild?” I asked with a smile just as I was finishing my obligatory “home safe! brought the boy back >:)”message to Blair. I almost fell into telling the story about the disappearing bobcat, but I knew bringing it up wasn’t going to do me any favors, and caught myself just in time. All I had to do was be calm, be cool, and enjoy the man’s company. I reminded myself that often these presences only have power if you allow them to have power, and I hoped with every fiber of my being that was true.

“That’s one word for it,” Jake said with an approving nod. “You were right, though. This place seems incredibly cool.”

I smiled and nudged him with my shoulder.

“Drink?” I asked, gesturing over my shoulder to the kitchen.

“Sure,” he said happily as he followed me through the double doors in the living room, through the dining room, and into the kitchen.

The space felt like somewhere else entirely at night. I hadn’t seen it in the dark yet, but the black windows along the wall with the table were giving me the creeps, so I just grabbed two wine glasses, one of the bottles I had bought earlier that day, and counted my lucky stars that the house seemed to be furnished with a corkscrew before the two of us settled into the living room.

We fell into each other easily. Jake showed off his manly prowess by getting a fire started in the fireplace and opening the bottle of wine after watching me struggle with the corkscrew.

One glass of wine made our conversation easier.

Two glasses made us a touch handsy.

By the third glass of wine, the bottle was empty, I was lying on my back on the couch, and Logan was leaning over me with my legs wrapped around his waist. His mouth was on mine, and he tasted like spearmint and alcohol. His lips were pillowy against mine as we both explored each other’s mouths. Even with the drinks and the hasty circumstances, Jake was a perfect gentleman. Every move he made was cleared by me first.

“Can I kiss you?” Yes.

“Can I pull your shirt up?” Yes.

“Can I unbutton your pants?” God, yes.

My heart pounded as the rush of his hands touching my bare skin washed over me, and I was only slightly disappointed when he stood himself up and asked where the bathroom was, putting a momentary halt on our fun.

“To the right of the dining room,” I said, pointing in its direction.

I leaned back on the couch and couldn’t help but do a little happy wiggle. Things were going well with Jake, and I was proud of myself for taking the leap. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but I wondered if we might hang out again. We definitely had a lot more in common than just drinking, and I legitimately enjoyed talking to him.

My phone lit up from its cast-aside spot on the floor, and I read my response from Blair.

get it giiiirl bow chicka wow wow.

I smiled in the blue light of my phone’s screen and scrolled through my social media for a moment while I waited for Jake to come back. He seemed to be taking a weirdly long time, but I tried not to think anything of it. It could be that he was just nervous. Maybe he was even trying to hype himself up to avoid whiskey-dick, or I guess in this case it would be “tequila-dick.”

Another couple of minutes later, and he still hadn’t emerged from the bathroom.

“Jake?” I called, trying to not sound overly concerned. I was still a touch worried.

No response. I sat up and arched myself over the back of the couch, craning my head back to see if I could see any motion under the door of the bathroom. Nothing. At least nothing obvious.

“Jake, are you okay?” I tried again.

The door immediately flung open as a perfectly happy Jake stepped out and flicked off the light to the bathroom. He looked okay, and I definitely didn’t want to corner him and demand to know what took so long, so I just welcomed him back to the couch.

“Now, where were we?” he asked as he leaned into me. His eyes were so dark. The green I’d seen in his irises was all but gone, his pupils completely dilated.

I’d seen eyes like that before on frat boys at parties back at UPenn. Now it made sense why he was in the bathroom for so long—he was just getting high.

Of course, I thought to myself. Drugs were never really my thing, but I tried not to be judgmental. I’d enjoy tonight with Jake and reconsider seeing him again, worst-case scenario.

Jake’s mouth found mine again rather quickly, and he was quite a bit more aggressive now. His hands explored under my bra and pinched my nipples just a whisper harder than I was used to, but the pain set me off. He leaned over me and pressed his knee against me, right between my legs with my unbuttoned jeans still in the way. He pressed his knee in just enough for me to grind myself against it, and Jake pulled my shirt off over my head.
