Page 37 of Monster Mansion

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The attic smelled better than I imagined it would, like exposed cedar and greenery. The early afternoon light shone through the circular windows at either end of the attic, and I admired the work that had been put in to make this space feel at least relatively homey. A collection of geodes, rocks, and petrified wood lined the room while some were stacked on top of each other, and boughs of evergreen hung from the rafters. Every object that had been brought into the attic had been brought with intention, to hopefully make Thorn feel like he was closer to his natural habitat than he’d been forced to be.

Near the center of the attic was Thorn, sitting in the center of a mess of cleaned pelts, blankets, and woolen pillows stacked in layers on top of one another like some sort of massive nest. I supposed that was precisely what it was because I couldn’t even for a moment imagine Thorn’s hulking figure trying to make sense of a human bed. He looked almost harmless from where he sat, and something about his body language and the way he hung his head made me feel like he was more nervous than I was.

“Thorn, I hope you don’t mind I brought company,” Nox said after I was already entirely inside the attic. I offered a small wave of hello as I took in the surrounding sights.

“Not at all,” Thorn responded, keeping his head low. “I’m sorry it’s not as nice up here as it is in the rest of the mansion.” The beast gestured all around the room.

“It’s actually just right, I think,” I said with a smile. I was beginning to understand what Nox was trying to say down in the hallway. The beast before me was light years away from a horrifying creature that crawled out of the darkest nightmares. He was a monster, but he was still part of this earth the same way that bears and wolves were. Thorn was misunderstood, and I could feel my curiosity grow in his presence.

“I told her about your condition,” Nox admitted.

I saw Thorn’s posture shrink even further in shame, and couldn’t keep my bare feet from taking a few steps toward him.

I had yet to see him this close, but I didn’t want him to feel like I was staring at him with any amount of terror or judgment. As I closed the gap between where I stood and where he sat, I extended my hand just enough to let him know that I was coming to him gently and with an open mind. Soon, I was next to him and I finally truly understood just how massive he was. I reached out and touched one of his antlers and realized I could just barely wrap my hand around it. His deer skull head was almost as long as my torso, and more than five of me would all be able to sleep comfortably in his nest. His skull sat on a long, horse-like neck with a thick dark mane running along the back of his neck, and all the way down his spine. He wasshapedlike a human with a thin torso sporting thick skin nearly gray in appearance stretched over massive rib bones, two sinewy arms ending in massive clawed hands, and two muscular legs that bent backwards at the knee like those of a deer or a dog. I took in the sight of him carefully and respectfully, but being this close to him for the first time felt like one of the close encounters you pay extra for at the zoo.

“It’s okay,” I assured him as I allowed my other hand to gently caress his face. “Shh, you’re alright.” I hoped I wasn’t crossing any boundaries or offending him in any way, but I found myself trying to comfort him in the same way I would comfort a horse—with a calm voice and a steady pat. Thorn let out a serene sort of groan and leaned his mighty head into me, and I was happy for the signal that I was on the right track.

I looked over my shoulder at Nox, who was smiling happily back near the attic door. He looked so relieved that I had agreed to come up here, and that things between me and his beastly companion seemed to be going alright.

The tricky part would be if this went any further. I truly didn’t mind being here with him like this, but if I was going tobe with himin the way I was afraid Nox meant, there was going to be quite a bit of issue just as far as size difference. I looked down at the rest of his body. It was curled under him like a sleeping cat, so I had no sneak peek as to what waited for me in all that mass, but if his skull was nearly as long as my torso, I didn’t want to think of how big the rest of him would be. Would I even be able to do it?

Nox must have sensed my concern because I heard his formal boots tap-tap-tap across the wooden floor until he was just next to me.

“Logan has agreed to help you, Thorn,” Nox explained now that the monster was nice and relaxed. “We know that you don’t really know what to expect with all this, and neither do we—so let’s all three agree to take things nice and slow.”

Thorn nodded in agreement and, slowly, like he was just waking up, arose from his nest. I realized then just how massive he was, and how crazy huge this attic really was in comparison to the one back home. He stood over me even taller than the gigantic taxidermied grizzly bear that stood fiercely in the foyer. Thorn’s form was more than impressive. It was a wild game hunter’s dream. His skeletal hands that ended in those perfectly sharp talons nearly drug on the floor on either side of him, while his back legs resembled more of a dog’s, ending in massive padded paws even larger than dinner plates.

“Logan, you can climb up if you don’t mind,” Nox suggested.

I forced my gaze away from the unusual beast and found that Nox had positioned himself between where I supposed the “head” of Thorn’s nest would be and the wall. I did as I was told and climbed up onto the pile of furs and blankets and crawled over to Nox, kissing him once on the mouth before laying down in the nest, on my back with him behind me.

It was much more comfortable than I expected, and I came to realize that was a primary theme of my time in the attic. Nothing so far had been at all like I expected. The concept gave me an added boost of curiosity. Everything had pleasantly surprised me so far, but as my gaze returned to Thorn, who was vibrating with anticipation, the fear of what the beast could do to me returned in full force.

As I laid on my back, my arms nervously clutched my robe shut, and my legs were politely crossed. I wasn’t sure exactly what came next, or how to act. All of this felt unnatural as Thorn and I tried to navigate the concept of hisheat ritual.

“Perhaps I can help move things along,” Nox said coolly, and before I could even ask how he figured as much, I felt the familiar sensation of his tendrils creep over me.

The pale man quietly hushed me as he wrapped his smoky appendages tightly around my wrists and ankles and began to pull them away from my body in four directions, creating an ‘x’ formation. My oversized robe began to fall away without my hands holding it shut, and I watched in a mix of awe and horror as Thorn’s massive body climbed onto the nest toward me.

“Be gentle, Thorn,” Nox reminded the creature as he crept toward me with his jaw hanging open and his tongue lolling out to the side.

I caught a sliver of a glance at his groin and could have fainted. His member was not at all human. It was stiff, bright red, and pushed out of a fleshy sheath just like I’d seen my childhood dog’s do when he was excited or aroused. That wasn’t even the most concerning part, however. The absolute size of it felt like an impossibility, or a lost cause. His monstrous cock would absolutely scramble my insides if he was let loose inside me.

My mouth went dry with fear for the first time since I arrived in the mansion, and I was certain they could both sense it. The tension in the attic grew thick as Thorn finally hovered just above me, and with one delicate pull of one massive claw, the tie of my robe fell open, revealing my nude body speckled in red marks from Nox’s tendrils. Thorn made a wild and wanting groan before jamming his skeletal muzzle against my skin and breathing deeply. He sniffed me all over, under my arms, in my neck, and between my legs while Nox held me still and open for him, dropping his binds from my wrists just long enough to remove my robe completely.

“Good boy,” Nox mused as Thorn proved he could control his feral desires well enough so far.

I tilted my head backward to get a look at Nox, who was clearly enjoying being able to hold me down and watch. He glanced down at me in return and licked his lips.

“And you’re being a very good girl as well,” he assured me. I saw his hands gripping the edge of the nest so hard his knuckles were white.

I bit my bottom lip seductively as I looked back down at Thorn doing his best to keep himself together. Nox’s praise was music to my ears and set off my libido, and I watched the mane that ran down Thorn’s spine spike up. His huge tongue lapped tenderly at the skin on my stomach before running over both my breasts and tasting between my legs. The size of just his tongue was such that he could taste my sex while the edges of his tongue grazed the inside of both of my legs. The beast was starting to move his hips forward and back in a thrusting motion, and the countdown began in my head for when he would actually attempt to penetrate me.

As scared as I was, part of me also really wanted to try. If I could get my body to adapt to his size, I bet his size and tenacity could feel absolutely amazing.

Finally, Thorn rose to his knees between my legs and gently wrapped his massive hands around my waist, having no problem creating a full circle around them. He aimed his member toward my center and slowly began to press against my soaking entrance. I tossed my head back and howled in a combination of pain and ecstasy as he pushed with a careful but steady force into me.

“Talk to me, Nox, tell me what he’s doing,” I begged with my head still thrown back and my eyes closed. I knew if I kept my eyes wide open and focused on the work Thorn was doing, I wouldn’t be able to relax enough to give Thorn’s cock an honest shot at fully entering me.
