Page 20 of Sailing Away Plans

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“Wait until you see the rest.” He resumed the video. “On the lower deck, there’s a small sitting room with sofas, a TV, and a complete bathroom. At the end of the room, this door leads to the master bedroom with its queen-size bed, closet, and a separate bathroom with a shower. At the other end, there are three more bedrooms, each with a double-bed, a night table, and a closet. So what d’you think?”

“When can I visit?” Her eyes sparkled with excitement. Exactly what he’d hoped to hear.

“Anytime you come, you’ll be welcome, Lillian.” He emphasized his words by wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Her perfume excited his senses and numbed his mind. Forgetting the video and his favorite project, he caught her lips in a scorching kiss. “My sweet Lilly, anytime you spend with me is heaven,” he whispered against her ear.

Disturbed from their cozy nap, the two cats hissed and growled. “Go, go, go. We need peace and privacy.” He shooed them away, and they skedaddled to the kitchen. “I’ll show you the island now. Right on the bay, there is a block of two-story buildings. They harbor a warehouse, a restaurant, and three shops, which sell souvenirs, ice cream, and coffee.” He projected a new series of pictures. “Here are the before and after pictures of the warehouse, now my new clinic with a waiting room, a reception area, and inside the examination rooms.”

“Fantastic. It looks a lot like our clinic here, but more spacious.”

“Yes, I followed the same design but improved on it. Less wasted space. I added two operating rooms for simple procedures, such as easy surgeries or special diagnostic tests. Next door is the lab for blood work and other analyses.”

Her eyes flitted from the screen to him. “With such a big clinic, you’ll need a whole staff, doctors, nurses, receptionists, chemists. From where will you hire the specialists?”

“From wherever I find experienced people. I’ve already placed ads in the newspaper and contacted recruiters with my requirements.” Would he be able to entice her to come to his new clinic? He arched an eyebrow. “Don’t you think the new facility, the gorgeous weather, the beaches, and the prospect of living on an island that is paradise on earth might attract interested professionals?”

“A new facility, a fabulous island…” A dreamy expression swept over her face. “I would think so.” Her gaze returned to the screen.

He trailed kisses along her cheek. “Would you be interested in working in my new clinic?”

She jolted toward him. “Me?”

“I’m looking for a senior nurse to help me start the business.” Peering into her rounded eyes, he held her gaze. “You should apply for the position. You would make a terrific head-nurse.” He put a finger across her lips. “Don’t answer now. Think about it for a few days. Let me know if you’d consider making the move.”

“Oh my God, Steve, it would be wonderful, a dream-come-true to work with you in St. John, but it would mean leaving my house and my life here, abandoning the clinic when they so badly need me, when you’ll be gone, when—”

“Lillian, you and I have done everything we can for our families and for the clinic. No one is indispensible. You can be sure they’ll survive. Both our families and the clinic will be fine, even without us. There comes a time when we need to think about whatwewant. By the way, the people on the island need doctors and nurses badly, too. Just think about it. Now, let me show you the rest.”

“Wait. Are you serious?”

“I have no sense of humor when it comes to work.” He chuckled. “You should know that about me by now.”

“Sure, let’s talk business, Dr. Winston.” Moving out of his snug hold, she scooted away and crossed her arms. “What’s the job pay?”

Since when did she have such a cold, calculating tone of voice?

Damn it, he’d spoiled the mood.

“Hmm, the position is for a senior nurse.”

“So it would pay fifteen to twenty percent more than I’m making now, right?”


“How about overtime, regular raises, bonuses?”


“Any relocation expenses?”

“Negotiable,” he said, hoping to satisfy her and return to their cozy interlude.

“I’ll give it serious thought. When do you need an answer?”

“Take your time. It’s a challenging job that comes with a lot of freedom, but also great responsibility. Whenever you think you’re convinced it’s what you want to do, let me know. Meanwhile, I’ll show you more pictures.” He grabbed her shoulders and slid her back against him. “I need you near me. I can’t shout for you to hear every word when I’m explaining.”

She laughed and snuggled against his chest. “Go ahead. I can hear you just fine.”

“See these stores? The restaurant, coffee shop, souvenir shop, and on top, the second and third floors are part of a motel.”
