Page 46 of Sailing Away Plans

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Chapter Fourteen

“Officially, I should be returning from St. John tonight.” Steve swallowed the last bite of the delicious omelet Lillian had cooked for him. He couldn’t wait to carry her to his boat and share…

But first things first. “I’ll spend part of the morning here, if you don’t mind. I have a few meetings today. Can I use your washer, dryer, and iron?”

“Sure. I can do—”

“Absolutely not. You go to the clinic, take care of your patients, and don’t daydream at work.” He winked at her.

“Never. When are you going to your place?”

“In the afternoon, after my meetings with the lawyer, the real estate agent, and the movers.”

“When will I see you?”

“I wish I knew. The trouble will start soon enough. Tonight and tomorrow with Royce. A few days later with Matt and Cybil, and Stephanie after them. You know, I spent hours on the phone begging them to spend Christmas with me in Cincinnati last year. They came up with a hundred excuses why they couldn’t visit. The minute I announced I’m leaving for good, which meant I didn’t need anyone and didn’t want them around, they jump on the first plane to helppoor old Dad who seems to have lost his mind.”

Lillian laughed. “Sorry. I know it’s not funny.”

“Actually, it’s pathetic. I’m fifty-seven. Do I lookthatold?”

“You?” Her bright smile soothed his heart.

“Thank you, sweetheart. You make me feel like I’m forty again.”

“I wish I could stay with you this morning, but I need to get dressed and get to work.”

A few minutes later, she exited her room in her prim, white uniform and tight bun.

“In uniform again, huh… That uniform is now part of a cherished fantasy.” His lips curved to one side.


“One day soon, I’ll enjoy removing it very slowly.” He chuckled, and her face turned cherry-red.

“Stop. I’m supposed to go to work, not get excited.”

“All right. Go, have a great day.” He gave her a tender kiss. “Wish me good luck with my dear skunk.”

“Your dear son. You’ve always been a wonderful father. Everything will be great.”

He huffed, wagging his head back and forth.


His meetings couldn’t have worked out better. At three thirty, Steve hailed a cab and gave him his home address. Dealing with lawyers, bankers, and contractors sounded like a piece of cake compared to what was waiting for him at home, an irate son.

After entering through the garage, he let the kitchen door bang shut behind him and caught a glimpse of his pets through the glass panel of the door leading to the backyard.

He opened it and yelled, “Max, come in boy. Wendy, Mitzi, good girls.” Max barked joyously, and the animals bounced in, the door slamming after them.

Steve glanced at the stairs. How could Royce sleep through that racket?

Leading the dog to the entrance hall, he played with him, holding a bone up to make him jump. “Up. Catch. Higher.”

“Hi, Dad.”

Laughing, he raised his head and froze. Who was that skinny man with the long hair and beard hiding half his face? Lillian’s warning echoed in his mind.
