Page 56 of Sailing Away Plans

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Chapter Sixteen

Lillian opened the garage and drove inside. Steve joined her.

“Do you mind if I come in?”

“Of course not.” She stepped into the kitchen and switched on the lights. “What’s happened?”

“Nothing...everything. I’m the one who needs a massage tonight.”

She couldn’t suppress a grin. “I’ve just learned that Susan is an excellent masseuse.”

“Lillian, enough.” His dismayed tone touched her. “I don’t want to hear any more about my son’s troubles—those he inflicts on others, especially me. No more talk about my beloved children. Matt and Cybil are arriving at eleven tomorrow morning. Matt’s already angry with me for selling the delivery truck without consulting him.”

“The delivery truck?”

“The one I sold a year ago after I bought the boat. I had no use for it. But apparently Matt wanted to use it while he was here. Not sure why.”

His frustration palpable, Steve was in dire need of unwinding. She stepped closer to him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and nibbled his ear lobe.

“Dearest Dr. Winston, pour us some Grand Marnier and let me soothe you.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear, sweetheart.”

They stepped into her living room, and he filled two glasses with the strong, sweet-tasting orange liqueur. “To you and me.”

They toasted and sipped. A crazy thought popped into her mind. She was still in the white uniform he hated, and he’d once shared his fantasy…

She let down her hair, shaking the curls onto her shoulders.

“Dear Dr. Winston, would you like to flirt with your nurse?” Unbuttoning the tunic to her bra, she wriggled her shoulders, bouncing her breasts.

He burst out laughing.

“What a great way to forget one’s problems.” He drew her to him and kissed her. Opening her top, he unclasped her bra, removed her top, and peeled it off. “Are you in the mood for some erotic dancing?”

“Anything you want, Dr. Winston.” She replaced her top, leaving it gaping over her naked breasts. “Your turn.” She unbuttoned his shirt and yanked it off.

He pulled her against him, covering her face and throat with brazen kisses, unzipping her skirt and lowering it.

She dropped onto the carpet and pulled him down next to her. “Ever made love on the floor like horny teenagers?”

“Not in a very long time.”

“Neither have I. Maybe it’s time to enjoy life like a couple of crazy kids.”

“I love you, Nurse Lillian.” His mouth covered hers, and his hand glided between her thighs.

“I love you, Dr. Winston.”


Steve awakened to the sound of the alarm on Lillian’s phone and grinned at the sight of his favorite nurse lying naked half on top of him. What a fabulous night they’d shared! Lillian had soothed every inch of his flesh with loving caresses and kisses.

Slowly, he turned her around and caught her lips. Even when sleeping, she responded to his kisses and drifted out of her dreams with a smile.

“Is it time to get up?”

“Unfortunately, yes.” He jumped to his feet and pulled her up. “You should shower and get dressed. I’m going home.”
