Page 69 of Sailing Away Plans

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“I could, but I won’t.” He guzzled the rest of his drink and banged his glass on the table. “I’ve done enough. Now, it’s time to trust my kids to take control of their own lives, choose a career path that suits them, and live in a place of their own choosing. I’m sure Matt will agree.”

“I do, Dad. And, for your information, I interviewed with Jason this morning. He was impressed with my credentials. I’m hoping for a positive outcome.”

“I’m sure you’ll get what you want. I’ve never doubted your abilities and qualifications, son. Now, can we let this matter drop and enjoy dinner?” He turned to his daughter. “Stephy, how are my granddaughters doing?”

Cybil stayed quiet, and Lillian relaxed, eager to hear about the twins herself.

“They’re adorable, Dad.” She pulled out her phone, fiddled with it, and then handed it to her father. “Heath sent me a video of their swimming lessons. Look at them. They’re like little fish, the fastest in their group.”

Lillian looked over Steve’s shoulder and watched the children on the screen.

“They’re absolutely darling, Stephanie. You must be so proud.”

“I am. By the way, Dad. We’ve decided to spend our vacation this year on St. John.”

Steve burst out laughing. “Didn’t I tell you, Lillian? I’ll see more of them on St. John than I did in Cincinnati.”

Dinner continued on a lighter note with father and children exchanging stories and jokes. Cybil mellowed and participated, but Lillian could feel her frustration. She noticed the young woman had trouble being part of the family web Steve and his children had created.

“When are you leaving, Dad?” Matt asked.

“In a couple of weeks, after the tenants arrive, but I have one more quick trip before then—a final inspection of the clinic and a first check on the progress of the building’s renovations. Not sure of the exact date yet.” He turned to face Lillian. “So much has been going on, I didn’t have time to talk to you about it. Would you be able to accompany me and interview applicants for various positions?”

“I’ll have to notify Dr. Randall, but I don’t see a problem.”

Soon the delicious dinner and generous wine loosened their tongues. They chatted and joked until late. Lillian forgot her worries and felt like part of the family, entertaining them with hilarious stories about Max, Wendi and Mitzi. After a scrumptious dessert consisting of chocolate cake, raspberries, and vanilla ice cream, they called it a night. Steve paid the bill without any one protesting.

The children thanked their dad and walked out. As the men went to get the cars and Stephanie stopped by the restroom, Cybil approached her, a saccharine sweet smile pasted on her face, her eyes bright.

“I’m glad I got to meet you and know you better.”

“Thank you, Cybil. So am I.”

“Matt talked to me a lot about you and your expertise as a nurse.Too bad you’re throwing away your wonderful reputation just to be at Steve’s beck and call.”

Jaw sagging, Lillian froze in place.

“Here’s Matt,” Cybil climbed into the SUV.

“Goodnight,” Stephanie called and climbed in with them.

Steve’s Mercedes stopped at the curb before Lillian could recover from her shock. She slid in the passenger seat.

“That seemed to go well. I hope you had a good time.”

She blinked and made an effort to answer, “It was a lot of fun.”

“It was.” Blissfully unaware of her distress, he drove away. “After the first half-hour of questions, they accepted you without hesitation, just as I said they would. Even Cybil mellowed.”

“I enjoyed chatting with them.” Until Cybil’s catty and cruel remark ruined her evening and possibly her future outlook on life.

Steve pulled into her driveway, got out of the car, and walked her to the door. Once inside, he kissed her briefly. “I wish I could stay with you, but I want to spend more time with Stephanie. She’s leaving tomorrow afternoon, and I want to hear more details about Matt’s interview and Royce’s meeting with the real estate agent.”

“I understand.” She’d done the same when Greg had visited her before his overseas trip.

“I’m confident things will fall into place for them.” He gently caressed her cheek. “I can’t wait for this week to be over. Soon, we’ll drop everything here and head into paradise together.”

She nodded, Cybil’s words echoing in her ears.Too bad you’re throwing away your wonderful reputation just to be at Steve’s beck and call.
