Page 2 of Dating Plans

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Royce clapped him on the back. “Good for you, big bro. Now, continue down this path. Enjoy your freedom. Go to the reunion, mingle, and have fun.”

Matt raised his eyebrows and twitched his lips. “Wouldn’t it be a waste of time? My classmates are around thirty-seven. The women are probably married by now.”

“Not necessarily. Many prefer to postpone marriage and focus on a career. Anyhow, you’ve got nothing to lose, other than an evening away from the clinic. It wouldn’t hurt you to meet women who aren’t doctors or nurses.”

“Okay, I’ll respond that I plan to attend. Any idea what the dress code is at these affairs?”

“No idea. I was just back from Thailand when they held my ten-year class reunion. Never attended. I was in pitiful shape, nursing a three-inch scar on my cheek.”

“I remember. Your scar is almost invisible now. Dad did a great job on your cut.”

“Dad’s a great surgeon. He saved my life and my future.”

After dropping out of Duke University in his third year to follow a Japanese girlfriend, roaming around Asia for five years, Royce had returned home, penniless, wounded, and miserable. Their father had opened his arms to the prodigal son and agreed to support Royce as he enrolled at the University of Cincinnati to finish his BS in computer engineering.

Doing a hundred and eighty degree turn, Royce had buried his playboy years, crammed an incredible number of courses in a year to graduate, and then enrolled in a master’s degree. He’d welcomed Matt’s offer to live with him in his new condo.

“I’m broke, but I’m paying my rent with good advice.”

Matt chuckled. “Much appreciated.”

For a change, maybe he should follow his young brother’s happy-go-lucky way of life.

“One more thing, your hair—”

“Yes, I know I need a haircut—”

“On the contrary. Leave it long. It gives you a shrewd appearance, especially if you grow a stubble.”

“Are you crazy? I would look unkempt. Women would run away.”

“Women like that look. Trust me.” Royce headed to the fridge, grabbed two cans of beer, and handed one to Matt. “To your new entrance into society, Dr. Matt Winston. May you have fun, collect your share of beautiful women, and keep your heart intact.”

He clanked his can against Matt’s.

“Not my style.”

“I know, but to use sailor language the way Dad does now that he and his new wife live on a boat, you need to learn to navigate smoothly before sailing on the high seas.”

“Thanks for the good advice and support.” Matt chuckled and touched his can to Royce’s. “To smooth navigation.”

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