Page 55 of Wedding Plans

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“But now it’s too late—”

“Why too late? The apartment is not rented yet. Of course it’s more expensive.”

“You mean I could rent it, instead of the one I have?”

“I can arrange things. Let me call the owner and the real estate agent.” A moment later, James returned. “I’ve arranged things for you, Dr. Kent. Of course, there’ll be a small penalty,” the man added with a subtle smile.

Determined to get along with the manager, Tyler nodded. “I understand, and I’m grateful to you for any help.”

“Very good. The owner said if you haven’t used the apartment yet we can do the transfer right away. I’ll call three security guards from the building to move your furniture to the tenth floor. Meanwhile, the real estate agent is coming right away to make a few corrections on the contract.”

Tyler called Sienna and explained the situation. “The guys will come soon. Let them in.”

As soon as the real estate agent arrived, she made the necessary corrections in the contract, signed and initialed in the right places, and asked him to do the same. The manager returned the check with his first month payment. Tyler wrote a new one with the rental amount for the two-bedroom apartment.

“Enjoy the bigger apartment, Dr. Kent.” The real estate said when they were done with official business.

“Thank you for coming on such a short notice.” They shook hands and he rushed upstairs to announce the good news to Sienna. “We have a bigger place.”

“I know. They already moved your stuff upstairs. Dalia yelled at them forstealing Doc’s things.”

Tyler crouched in front of his pumpkin. “I’m glad you asked where I was going to sleep. Now we have a bigger apartment with enough space for everyone. Let’s go and visit it.”

When Tyler indicated her new room, the smaller one, Dalia pouted and cried. “There’s no bed for me. I can’t sleep on the floor.”

“No sweetie-pie, you won’t sleep on the floor. We’ll go shopping for your bed right now.”

Dismayed, Sienna shook her head but Dalia stopped crying right away.

“I want my two girls happy. Anyhow, she needs a girlie bed.”

They’ve ordered a white bed, with bookcase headboard and three storage drawers on each side. Their shopping done, Tyler stopped in a drive-thru fast-food restaurant and bought chicken nuggets for the happy but sleepy girl. When they returned home after a full day, Sienna relaxed next to him and Dalia slept in the back of the car.

At home, he carried Dalia to her bed and let Sienna changed her for the night while warming leftovers for their dinner. Later he lit a fire and they relaxed on the sofa in their pjs, toasting the new apartment with a glass of wine.

“Now that we’ve organized the apartment when would you like to move?”

She stared at the flames dancing in the fireplace, debating aloud. “Tomorrow, I’m resuming classes and giving exams for the next few days, and then it’s holiday for two weeks.” She paused and sipped. “I’m not mentally prepared to rush and move and I’d like to celebrate Christmas here.”

“I understand. What about two days after Christmas?”

“That would suit me.”

“I’ll look for remodeling companies and ask for estimates. Now, tell me exactly what you want done.” They spent two hours brainstorming, looking at Internet pictures, and deciding on colors.

Sienna hated the kitchen cabinets. Tyler examined them. “Solid wood. Good texture. I’d suggest you keep the cabinets and change the doors. It’d be less expensive.”

She agreed but refused to plan the new addition of an additional bedroom and playroom. “One thing at a time. We remodel the kitchen and bathrooms, and paint the bedroom. I can’t afford more expenses.”

“Sweetheart, I’m paying for the remodeling.”

“No way.” They spent an hour arguing, and decided to split the expenses if they were both benefiting from the results.

“Time to go to bed. We’re both working tomorrow.”

She smiled but he narrowed his eyes. “Didn’t you hear me? We’re working tomorrow. You had a long day and need rest.”

“How many times should I tell you to stop acting like a doc around me. Besides, I badly need atherapeutic massage.” She winked at him and he burst out laughing.
