Page 13 of Kissing Plans

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Susan gave her the street name and number.

Mae entered the information on her own. Pleased with herself, she nodded. “I guess I’m ready to shop for food now, discover the neighborhood, and go home to cook dinner. Have a good day sweetie.”

“You too, Mae. I’m going to go to UC. I’ll see you later this afternoon.”

“Susan, don’t forget to call Kasem and Royce and invite them for dinner around six.”

“Dinner? Both?” She hadn’t recovered yet from last night’s headache.

“It’s the least we can do. Kasem is your fiancé, and Royce has gone out of his way to help us.”

“Sure, Mae. I’ll text them later.”

Kasem was the fiancé who would cheat on her as soon as he married her and secured her inheritance.

Royce had been her best friend for years, a reformed black sheep who’d suddenly remembered his womanizing ways and wanted to add her to his long list of victims. Like an idiot, she’d made it easy for him last night.

Was he any better than Kasem?

At least her Thai fiancé wanted to get married. In all the years she’d known him, Royce had avoided the word marriage with more caution than he would use to protect himself from a deadly virus.

She needed a husband to satisfy her brothers and get them off her back. If a loving, devoted one was too difficult to find, she would settle for a decent man who could be faithful, understanding, and respectful of his wife, sharing her goals, and willing to start a family. Was such a man too difficult to find?
