Page 15 of Kissing Plans

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“The first one I talked to was pleasant enough, showing me how to use the leg press, but when I mention I would be staying with you until I got married next month, she said, ‘Wishing you the best,’ and she turned her back on me.” The second one wasn’t any better and left when I said I was engaged to a beautiful woman from my country.”

Royce waved a hand. “Obviously, they’re not interested in bonding, if you’re already hooked.”

“That’s what I figured out. So I didn’t mention that little detail to the third one. We chatted and laughed. She said, ‘See you tomorrow.’”

“I hope you don’t plan to befriend her.” Royce tossed over his shoulder as they left the elevator.

“Why not?” Kasem’s tone sounded belligerent.

Royce opened the door to his condo, entered, and turned to his guest. “Well, Susan may not like it.”

“Do you think I like the way she’s made me wait three years, coming up with one excuse after another to delay our wedding?”

“I heard her father was ill, and she took care of him. And then—”

“And then she put on more restrictive conditions,” the young man complained. “No marriage until she gets a good job in the US. No going out with other women. No this, no that. She knows we have a contract and should respect it as I do.”

“Women in love are known to be jealous and want to keep their husbands.” He carefully studied Kasem’s frown. “You should be pleased.”

“Don’t be naïve, my friend. My marriage to Susan was arranged by her father and my older brother. It has nothing to do with love.”

“How can you live with a person you don’t like?”

Kasem shrugged. “Susan is beautiful. I won’t have trouble making love to her. If she’s too busy or tired, I’ll do like my brother did—like you, too, probably.”

“Like me? How so?” Frowning, Royce wagged his head. What was the man babbling about?

“Don’t play innocent, my friend. I’m sure when your wife is away, you find your pleasure somewhere else.” He scoffed. “That’s why you’re in a good mood. You won’t be too cranky by the time she returns.”

“I don’t…” Royce started and stopped short, remembering Susan’s request. “I don’t know what to say.” He opened his arms in surrender.

Kasem burst out laughing. “Don’t worry about Susan. She knows what to expect. Her brothers are healthy males and do the same. I’m offering her a good deal. As long as she satisfies me, which she hasn’t yet, I won’t need another woman.”

Royce slanted an irritated glance at the jerk who didn’t seem to appreciate the gorgeous, smart, and highly educated woman betrothed to him.

You want to fool around. Be my guest. You won’t be missed.

“I’m going to shower.”

“Are you going to the pool next?”

“No, I’ll be in my office. I have a load of work to do today. Why don’t you look at theHelp Wantedads on your laptop? Maybe you can find something that may interest you. I’m sure you don’t want to be dependent on Susan.”

“Oh no. I won’t be. Once we’re married, I’ll request her inheritance from her brothers and manage it. But looking at the ads is not a bad idea. Send me the link.”

With a nod, Royce spun and headed into the shower. The man was seriously getting on his nerves with his naïve arrogance, his male chauvinism, and his deeply-rooted selfishness. Yet he wasn’t hard-core badass and could be pointed in the right direction. He’d agreed to look at the job ads. Several women in the gym had found him attractive enough to chat with him. There was hope for Susan’s future.

Torn between his promise to Susan and his inherent integrity, Royce scratched his head.

Damned if I do and damned if I don’t.

Maybe he wouldn’t have to push Kasem into other women’s arms. He might well run there on his own.

Royce would have to discuss the new development with Susan. He should meet her in the afternoon and report… Which reminded him of the reward following his report. Peace filled his heart. Susan trusted him. Together, they would work out something to get her out of her mess.

He sat in his office, shut the door to avoid any distraction from Kasem, and worked on his computer, analyzing charts, or on his phone, holding a conference chat.

Two hours later, the earphones plugged in his ear, he continued his business talk as he headed to the kitchen to pour himself a cup of coffee. On his way, he caught a glimpse of Kasem, sitting in the living room, his laptop opened on the cocktail table and his phone in his hand. He too seemed involved in serious conversation.
