Page 26 of Kissing Plans

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“Bummer, leave your brothers out of it. Actually, don’t breathe a word about your mother to anyone. Let her handle her business the way she wants.”

“Good idea. Any news on your end?”

“First interview went as good as can be expected. They like him but have to interview others. He won’t hear from them for another month at least.”

“That’s not good.”

“I know, but he has two more interviews next week.”

“How about the gym and pool?”

“Quite active as far as I can tell. He didn’t confide specific details, which is better, but he’s always well surrounded.”

“How about…” she paused, not sure how to phrase her nosey question.

“What?” he prompted.


“Ah, I sent her a text. I preferred not to meet her and deal with a scene.”

“Good. What did you text?”

“Something like:We can’t see each other anymore. I want to focus on my career and have no time for this relationship. I wish you all the best, and I hope there are no hard feelings.”

“Ah, what did she say?”

“Nothing. She didn’t answer.”

“Good. Thank you, Royce. Text me tomorrow.”

“All the time, babe. Love you.”
