Page 30 of Kissing Plans

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The women and Kasem were on their fifth or sixth round of drinks while Royce still sipped on his third. Not particularly enjoying the company, he was plotting a swift exit when a new group hustled through the door. Automatically, Royce observed them and suddenly paled at the sight of Tracy. She hadn’t acknowledged his break up text. Knowing her temper, she wouldn’t hesitate to make a scene.

He bent to Kasem. “I’m not feeling well. I have to leave. You coming or staying?”

Kasem frowned and focused on his face. “You don’t look good. I’m coming. I have to be at work early tomorrow.” He stood and smiled at the women sharing their table. “Thank you for the charming company. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you again. Bye.”

Royce had already waved goodbye, with a brief,’night, when he’d caught Tracy’s stunned gaze and hurried to the backdoor leading to the area of the parking lot where he’d parked his car.

As soon as Kasem joined him, he started the car.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Not sure. Maybe diarrhea coming.”

“Eww. Want me to drive?”

“No, I know the way. We’ll be home in no time.” In fact fifteen minutes later they walked into the condo. Royce rushed to his room to change into his sleeping shorts and t-shirt, used the bathroom and washed his face, and returned to the kitchen to prepare a herbal tea.

“How you feeling?”

“Better. I’m making chamomile tea, in case you want one.”

“I’ll take some. It’ll clear my head.” They both sipped their teas with relief. “Royce, at the moment we were leaving, I notice a new group coming in, and a gorgeous blonde woman looking at us. She seemed to know you.”

Too tired to invent a new story, Royce shrugged. “She does. Her name is Tracy Herbert. Why?”

“I wish I’d met her. She’s stunning.”

“Kasem, you already have a collection of women. You can’t add more to your harem.”

“This one is impressive, my friend. A real blonde—”

“They’re all blonde from what I’ve noticed.” He scoffed. “One more, one less.”

“No, there’s something about this one, and she was looking at us. We should go back, maybe in a few days.”

“If you want.” Royce finished his tea and put his cup in the sink. He was fed up with the secrets and the lies. For how long would he have to hide his love for Susan and betray Kasem’s trust? “You can go alone anytime, now that you know the way. Mitch will introduce you.”

“Maybe. With you. It’ll easier.”

There was no way in the world he would return to that bar. “’Night. I better hit the sack.”

“Good night. Thanks for a great celebration.”

Royce nodded and dragged himself to his room. Should he call Susan and relate his evening at the bar? Too tired to carry on a sensible conversation, he treated himself to a hot shower that cleared his head—or so he thought—sprawled onto his bed, and drifted off in no time.

Much later… The alarm pierced through his foggy brain. He checked his phone and jolted up, unable to believe it was already ten o’clock, and fell back on his back with a splitting headache.

Was Kasem in the same shape? It wouldn’t be funny if the man missed his first day at work. Royce raised himself slowly, careful to avoid sudden moves and slid out of bed.

In the kitchen he found a note from his roommate.

I went to the gym. You’re still asleep. Hope you’re not sick. I’m leaving for work and will call you at lunchtime.

Damn it, how had his roommate been energetic enough to hit the gym after last night? The man seemed to be in better shape than Royce. Disgusted with himself, he prepared a pot of coffee and inhaled the strong aroma of the brew. After swallowing a full mug and eating two muffins, he indulged into a shower, slipped on a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt, and sat at his desk to read his emails…and cursed.

The day started on the wrong foot with two clients’ complaints. Royce focused on one issue, stopping only two hours later to get himself a thermos of coffee, before diving back into work. By two o’clock, he realized he was starved and warmed up some leftovers. Maybe it was time to text Susan. He thumbed:

Very busy here. How’s your day.
