Page 66 of Kissing Plans

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Chapter Seventeen

Susan spent an awful week, alternating tears and self-blame, and arguments with her mother over silly things. A thousand contradictory thoughts careened through her head. She missed Royce like hell and had decided to forget the whole incident. After all, her brothers lived on the other side of the globe, and Kasem hadn’t bothered to call her since the day they’d agreed to decide their future on December first, a date which was fast approaching.

Thanksgiving was next week. Mae had planned scrumptious meals and had started cooking and freezing the dishes, urging Susan to taste her culinary creations, trying to tempt her appetite.

“I’m not hungry, Mae.”

“You must be sick. You haven’t eaten anything in two days.”

“Leave me in peace, please.” She locked herself in her room.

Mae threatened to call a doctor if she didn’t eat dinner, so Susan forced herself to swallow the delicious shrimp curry and rice, and the next evening Mae insisted she should go to dinner with her and Dean Tristan. “He’s invited us to a French restaurant. Don’t offend him by refusing,” Mae warned.

“All right.” The dean had treated her like a cherished stepdaughter.

As she prepared for the evening, Susan rummaged through her drawer for the fancy pantyhose with the embroidered Ss and couldn’t find them. She searched through every drawer and in the closet. Where on earth could they be?

Suddenly, it hit her. She blushed and then paled. Shit, she’d forgotten the hose in the damned sleeping bag.

“Oh no. Oh God. I’m cursed. I’m lost.” It was as if she’d left a signed confession at the scene of the crime.

Feeling dizzy, she refused to go out with her mother and the dean.

She had to see Royce, find out where he’d hidden the sleeping bag and retrieve the incriminating evidence.

On Thursday night, she received her daily text from Royce.

Returning home on Friday. I miss you like hell. Can I see you babe?Please, Susan, say yes.

She answered right away.

Miss you, too. Let’s go to dinner.

Royce called her on Friday afternoon. “I’ve missed you, babe.”

“How did your work go?”

“It went well, better than expected. That’s why I stayed longer. I gained two new clients over there. We’re on for dinner tonight?”


“I’ll pick you up in an hour. I’m still on the road, not going home.”

Feeling suddenly claustrophobic at home, Susan hastened to change into black legging and a long black and white sweater incrusted with rhinestones. Leaving her hair floating down her back, she retouched her makeup and slipped on flat suede shoes.

“Mae, I’m going out for dinner.”

“Thank God. You look normal again.” Her mother beamed and didn’t ask with whom. “In that case, I’ll call Joe and go out with him.”

Throwing her black downy jacket on her shoulders, she shoved her keys, wallet, and phone in its deep pockets. She waited for Royce in the driveway and climbed into the car right away, welcoming his brief kiss when he leaned over the console.

“Hi, you had a good trip?”

His sunny smile warmed her heart. “Great. I couldn’t wait to get here. It’s a miracle I didn’t get a speeding ticket. Where would you like to eat?”

Pleased with his impatience to see her, she smiled, too. “Burger Wify would be great.” A casual place suited her mood. Besides, she wouldn’t risk meeting her mother and her companion.

They ordered their burgers and fries, and beer to drink.
