Page 25 of Always Mine

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Luke stalks out of the closet, fully dressed, thank God. “Hey, little man, what’s up?”

Alex’s face scrunches up. “Uh, what were you doing in the closet?”

“He was fixing the rod,” I say quickly, causing Luke to choke on his own spit.

I turn and flare my eyes at him before looking back at Alex and continuing. “He was fixing the rod that my clothes hang on. It broke. We lost track of time. We’ll be out to make breakfast in a minute.”

He stares at us for a second, then shrugs and says, “Okay.”

“Go check on your brother for me?”

He nods and walks away. I slowly shut the door and lean against it as Luke strolls over to me. “Fixing your rod, eh?” I smack his shoulder as he leans down to kiss me. Against my ear, he whispers, “Pretty sure you fixed my rod.”

“You’re trouble. We almost got caught.”

He leans back and nods. “I know.”

I bite at my lip then smile, bringing my hands to his chest. “I think we should tell them. I’m ready to.”

Luke’s eyes brighten instantly. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. I have to check in with Tad first and let him know. It’s easier since they already know you. Tad doesn’t need to meet you first or anything, but I do need to check in. We can plan on telling them when they come back Friday night?”

“Sounds perfect. For now, we better get out there and make some breakfast.”

He gives me one last hard kiss and then walks out the door, leaving me staring at him like the swooning, love-struck girl I am.


I pull into my parking lot on time today. That’s a nice thing about staying over when the boys are there—I’m always up early because they have school. Zoey also had plenty of work to get done today. She got her first round of edits from her editor and she has two weeks to get through them all.

As I swing open the door to my Jeep, I notice movement off to my right. I squint and see my sister sitting in a car with some guy.

Nope. Not some guy.

George. Mikey’s lifelong best friend. Who I know for a fact Mikey never wanted involved with Ce.

I take a deep breath and walk toward the side door, praying there’s nothing going on between them, mostly because I don’t want to mediate the fight that would ensue between Mikey and George. Or Mikey and Cece.

I rub my hand over my face as I get to the door and pull out my keys.

Hopefully, it’s nothing.

Jesus, I’ve been spending too much time with Caroline. This is all way too gossipy.

When I get to my office, I plop down in my office chair, dig out my phone, and text Zoey. That’s the nice part of being with someone, I can drop the burden on her too.

Me: Sorry to interrupt, but I just saw George dropping Cece off this morning and they appeared to be in a deep conversation. Do you think there’s something going on? And if there is, how bad do you think Mikey is going to lose it?

After seeing dots appear and disappear several times, I get the wide-eyed emoji. Then a text.

Zoey: Uh… I guess it wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility. If there is, it would be good to pretend you don’t know. Because Mikey will FREAK. Probably. Who knows, with Trishy around, she might be able to keep him calm. You’re not gonna tell him, are you?

Me: No. But I’m going to find out if something is going on. If there is, I’ll tell her to deal with it. Damn. I hate knowing things.

Zoey: Well, have fun with that conversation with Cece. It’ll probably go better than mine with Tad.

Me: If he’s an asshole to you, I know some guys. Just sayin’. ;)
