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“She is no simpleton.”

Oliver smiled. “No, she is not,” he agreed. “But I can’t help but wonder what your intentions are towards her?”

Baldwin shot his brother an exasperated look. “Not you, too.”

Oliver chuckled. “I was only teasing,” he replied.

“Thank you.”

“But in all seriousness,” Oliver started, “you would be a fool to pass on a woman like Miss Dowding.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because I have never met another woman like her, and I doubt you will either.”

“That may be true, but I have no thoughts of matrimony at this time.”

Oliver stepped closer to the desk and asked, “Do you mind if I try for Miss Dowding?”

Baldwin stiffened, and an adamant refusal was on the tip of his tongue. But he didn’t want to admit that he was harboring some feelings for Miss Dowding, albeit unrequited.

“By all means,” he said with a clenched jaw.

Oliver smirked. “That is generous of you, Brother.” He walked over to the door and opened it. “I wish you luck tonight.”

Baldwin huffed as he watched Oliver depart from the room. It might be best if his brother attempted to woo Miss Dowding, he decided. Then, he might finally be able to stop thinking about her constantly.

In the darkenedcoach, Madalene fidgeted with the strand of pearls around her neck as they headed towards Hawthorne House. She found she was rather nervous to see Lord Hawthorne again, but that made no logical sense. Why would I be anxious to see him, she thought. He was a friend, nothing more. So why did he occupy so much of her thoughts?

“Good heavens,” Mrs. Foster proclaimed, “whatever is the matter?”

Her fingers stilled on the pearls. “Nothing,” Madalene replied. “Why do you ask?”

Mrs. Foster gave her a knowing look. “Whenever you get anxious, you start fidgeting.”

“I do?”

“It is a very telling sign, at least for me.”

Dropping her hand to her lap, Madalene admitted, “I find that I am anxious about seeing Lord Hawthorne again.”

Mrs. Foster looked displeased by her admission. “You know how I feel about Lord Hawthorne.”

“I do, and you do not need to worry yourself on that account,” Madalene said. “We are only friends.”

“You seem to have started keeping secrets from me the moment that you two met, and that concerns me greatly.”

“You have nothing to worry about.”

Mrs. Foster reached forward and patted her on her knee. “I will always worry about you. I couldn’t love you more even if you were my own child.”

“I know, and I feel the same way about you.”

“Then I urge you to be cautious around Lord Hawthorne,” Mrs. Foster said, leaning back, “and his brother.”

“Lord Oliver has only ever behaved as a perfect gentleman to me.”

Mrs. Foster gave a disbelieving huff. “He is a rakehell.”
