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“I never questioned that.”

“Say what you need to say and be done with it,” he insisted.

Her smile grew. “You are being rather testy this morning.”

“I am not.”

Jane reached for her cup of chocolate as she said, “I am merely commenting that you and Miss Dowding appear to be getting closer.”

“We are friends.”

“Friends?” Jane asked. “I didn’t think that you had too many of those.”

“I don’t.”

“Well, I would ask that you be cautious around my dear friend, because I wouldn’t want her reputation to suffer by associating with you.”

Baldwin furrowed his brow. “Meaning?”

“Do you have any intention of pursuing Madalene?” Jane asked plainly.

“I do not,” he replied. “Frankly, I have no thoughts of matrimony at this time.”

Jane bobbed her head. “I assumed as much.”

“But that doesn’t mean we can’t remain friends.”

“Just be mindful of the gossips,” Jane warned. “They can spew vicious tales and will damage reputations for their enjoyment.”

“That is awful.”

“It is the unfortunate truth, I’m afraid.”

Before he could respond, Oliver walked into the breakfast parlor with his hair tousled and his clothes horribly wrinkled.

“Good morning,” Jane said in a disapproving tone. “I see that you just got home.”

Oliver winced as he brought a hand to his forehead. “I did, and I would appreciate it if you kept your voice down.”

“My voice isn’t raised, Oliver,” Jane remarked curtly. “Perhaps you shouldn’t have had so much to drink last night.”

Oliver walked over to the buffet table and grabbed a piece of toast. “Where is the fun in that?”

Jane turned towards Oliver and asked defiantly, “Do you ever tire of being a despicable cad?”

Oliver swallowed the bite in his mouth. “Why are you attacking me this morning?” he asked as he leaned his shoulder against the wall.

“If you must know, it is because I rarely see you.”

Oliver smirked. “You miss me, then?”

Jane shook her head and rose. “I would prefer not to spend time in your presence right now,” she said before storming out of the room.

Baldwin lifted his brow. “I take it that our dear sister doesn’t approve of you and your lifestyle.”

Oliver sighed as he came closer to the table. “No, she does not,” he replied. “She makes that abundantly clear.”

“That is most unfortunate.”
