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“That does not surprise me,” Baldwin remarked. “You two have only appeared to have gotten closer since we wed.”

“That we have.”

Baldwin glanced at the building. “I had intended that we should take a tour of the workhouse and infirmary before it officially opened up to the public,” he said. “But perhaps we should take you home to rest.”

“I am perfectly capable of touring the workhouse,” Madalene said stubbornly as she approached the door. “You do not need to coddle me now that I am with child.”

Taking a step around his wife, he opened the door wide and replied, “That is exactly what I intend to do. I can’t risk anything happening to you or the baby.”

“You need not fear,” she said with a smile. “We will be together for the rest of forever.”

Baldwin offered his arm to her. “You promise?”

“I do,” Madalene replied, leaning against him. “I don’t intend to ever let you go.”

The End
