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Chapter Three

“Do you mind if I go shopping today?” Mrs. Foster asked as she sat across the table in the dining room.

“Not at all,” Madalene replied, reaching for her cup of chocolate.

“You could always come with me.”

“I would rather not.”

Mrs. Foster smiled kindly. “I have never met a woman who was so opposed to shopping as you.”

“I only shop when the situation warrants it.” Madalene returned her cup to the saucer and picked up a piece of toast from her plate. “You will miss my boxing lesson,” she added.

“I find it rather odd that you enjoy such a barbaric sport.”

“It keeps me nimble and healthy.”

With a shake of her head, Mrs. Foster reached for her fork and said, “Be sure to have a footman near you during your lessons.”

“I always do.”

Mrs. Foster took a bite of her food and chewed thoughtfully. “Will you be calling on your friend from boarding school while we are here in Town?”

Madalene brushed the crumbs off her hands before saying, “I intend to. I will send a letter to Lady Jane today.”

“I always think it is a treat to see a dear friend.”

“I agree,” Madalene said. “Jane and I were exceptionally close during our time at Miss Bell’s.”

Mrs. Foster glanced over at the footman standing near the door and lowered her voice. “Don’t you find it rather peculiar that her brother, Lord Hawthorne, hasn’t been seen in polite Society for three years?”

“I do not.”

“Many speculate that he is dead.”

Shrugging, Madalene said, “I care not what the gossipmongers say, and you shouldn’t either.”

“Perhaps he is an invalid and can’t get out of bed?” Mrs. Foster mused.

“Or he is perfectly well and abhors Society.”

Mrs. Foster shook her head. “That can’t possibly be it. A marquess can’t abhor Society.”

“Whyever not?”

“It just simply isn’t done.”

Madalene laughed. “I daresay your argument is rather faulty,” she teased.

“It is entirely too early in the morning to argue with you,” Mrs. Foster said amusedly, placing her fork on her plate.

The butler stepped into the room. “Mr. Payne has arrived, Miss,” he announced. “He is waiting for you on the lawn.”

“Thank you, Graham,” Madalene acknowledged as she pushed her chair back.

“Do be careful,” Mrs. Foster remarked. “After your last boxing lesson, you had bruises on your arms that we had to conceal with powder.”

“I will be mindful of that.”
