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“I am not at liberty to say.”

“You are a marquess and should be above reproach. It looks suspect that you associate with such ruffians—”

He cut her off. “I am well aware of my responsibilities, and I don’t need you to lecture me on it.”

“Well, someone needs to.”

Baldwin shook his head. “You know not what you are speaking of.”

“Then enlighten me.”

“I’m afraid you don’t understand the depravities of men, my dear,” he mocked.

Madalene tensed at his remark, but she didn’t back down. “I believe I experienced a taste of it yesterday when I was abducted by you.”

Taking a step closer, he said, “Need I remind you that you willingly allowed yourself to be abducted in an attempt to save your friend?”

Madalene tilted her head to look up at him. “That is true, but—”

“Perhaps I misjudged you,” he stated, speaking over her.

“I am asking myself if I have misjudged you,” she declared.

Being this close to Miss Dowding, Baldwin had a sudden urge to gather her in his arms and kiss her until she came to her senses, which was ludicrous. The last thing he wanted to do was complicate his situation with Miss Dowding by kissing her.

Finding strength deep inside himself, Baldwin stepped back and bowed. “If you will excuse me, I am late for a meeting at the House of Lords.”

As he brushed past her, Miss Dowding spoke up. “Out of curiosity, are you voting in favor of Lord Desmond’s bill?”

“I am not.”

She frowned, appearing displeased by his response. “Are you not in favor of additional workhouses in the rookeries?”

“I am, but I do not believe that the Home Office should be responsible for overseeing the workhouses.”

“But the morning newspapers say—”

He cut her off. “I’m afraid I don’t have the energy or the right mindset to continue debating with you, Miss Dowding,” he said. “But you should be careful not to believe everything you read in the newspapers.”

“I suppose you make a good point,” she replied, albeit reluctantly.

“Good day, Miss Dowding.”

She tipped her head politely. “Good day, Lord Hawthorne.”

Baldwin continued to watch her for a moment before he departed from the room. He knew he shouldn’t have spoken so harshly to her, but he found that Miss Dowding caused him to lose all rational thought. Something he hadn’t thought was possible.

Blasted woman!

Miss Dowding was proving to be a distraction, and he didn’t need any more distractions in his life.

“Will you seethat coach is brought out front?” Madalene asked Graham as she put her gloves on.

“Yes, Miss,” Graham replied as he departed from the entry hall.

The butler had barely stepped out of the room when she heard her companion ask, “May I ask where you are going?”

Madalene turned around to face Mrs. Foster, who was descending the stairs. “I am going to call on Lady Jane.”
