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Oliver grinned. “No, you did not. That is generally what happens when you break the rules.”

“Rules are made to be broken,” Haskett joked.

“I disagree,” Follett replied, leaning into Haskett. “Rules are required for us to have a polite Society.”

“Finally, someone is making a lick of sense,” Oliver declared.

Haskett laughed as he shoved Follet away from him. “Follett is just drunk.”

“I am not,” Follett responded. “I have just had an epiphany.”

“You have?” Booth asked.

Follett bobbed his head vehemently. “I should be a vicar!”

“You, a vicar?” Haskett asked. “That is absurd!”

“I disagree,” Follett said, his voice rising. “I like telling people what to do.”

Oliver lifted his brow. “I don’t think vicars tell people what to do.”

“They preach to us every Sunday about how we should be better and whatnot,” Follett explained. “I could do precisely the same thing, and I would do it better.”

“But you would just spout nonsense,” Haskett joked.

Follett smirked. “Isn’t that what vicars do?”

Booth turned his attention towards Oliver. “Our friend has gone mad.”

“I would agree,” Oliver replied. “Perhaps it is time that we called it a night.”

Haskett removed the pocket watch from his waistcoat and studied it closely. After a long moment, he asked, “Isn’t it rather early to be calling it a night?”

“It is not,” Oliver said, shoving back his chair. “I find that I have had my fill of cards and alcohol this evening.”

Booth placed his hand to his chest, feigning outrage. “You wound me, sir.”

“Somehow I doubt that,” Oliver remarked as he rose.

The serving woman hurried over to him and asked, “Can I get you anything, milord?”

Reaching into his waistcoat pocket, he pulled out a coin and extended it towards her. “No, thank you.”

“Thank you for your generosity this evening.” She accepted the coin and slipped it into the pocket of her green gown.

Oliver gave her a brief nod and pushed in his chair. “I shall see you all tomorrow at Mrs. Linfield’s ball.”

“Will Lady Jane be in attendance?” Booth asked eagerly.

Oliver pointed his finger at Booth and ordered, “You will leave my sister alone.”

Booth put up his hands in surrender. “I was just curious.”

“If I catch any of you even speaking to my sister, I shall have no choice but to challenge you to a duel,” Oliver warned.

“That would be foolish on your part,” Booth teased. “I am quite proficient with a pistol.”

A slow, smug smile came over Oliver’s lips. “I assure you that I can outshoot you any day of the week.”
