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“Would you like me to bring a tray up, or would you care to join Lord Oliver in the dining room for breakfast?” her lady’s maid asked.

Emmeline tossed off the covers and placed her feet over the bed. “I believe I shall join Oliver in the dining room.”

“Very good choice.” Mary stepped closer to the bed. “Would you care to dress?”

“I would.”

As she helped Emmeline dress, Mary said, “The constable asked me some very pointed questions last night.”

“Did he?”

Mary nodded. “I think he suspects I had something to do with you being attacked, which is ridiculous.”

“I wouldn’t give him any heed,” Emmeline replied. “He is just doing his job.”

“He was rather intimidating.”

Emmeline smiled. “I agree with you.”

“You don’t believe I had anything to do with your attack, do you?” Mary asked with hesitancy in her voice.

Emmeline shook her head. “I do not,” she replied.

Mary let out a sigh of relief. “That pleases me immensely to hear, milady, because I would never betray you.”

“I am well aware of that.”

Stepping back, Mary said, “If you would sit in the chair, I will put your hair in a simple chignon so you can join Lord Oliver.”

“Thank you,” Emmeline murmured as she sat down.

While Mary was brushing her hair, she commented, “I think it was sweet how Lord Oliver fussed over you last night.”

“I thought so, as well.”

“You two appear to be getting rather close.”

Emmeline frowned. “It would appear that way, but something is holding Oliver back. He doesn’t fully trust me.”

“Why do you suppose that is?”

“I know not, but I intend to break down his defenses until he has no choice but to trust me,” she asserted.

“How do you plan to do that?”

Emmeline blew out a puff of air. “I have no idea,” she replied, “but I can see in his eyes that he holds me in some regard.”

“It is evident to everyone that he cares deeply for you,” Mary remarked as she twisted her hair into a chignon.

“I want a true marriage with Oliver, and I am willing to fight for it.”

“I am pleased to hear you say that,” Mary said, stepping back.

Emmeline rose and turned towards her lady’s maid. “Perhaps I should ask if he wants to take a walk along the beach, and I could broach the subject again.”

“I would imagine it would be less eventful during the day,” Mary teased.

She smiled. “That’s true.”
