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Oliver leaned closer and whispered, “I have two pistols on my person should the need arise.”

A giggle escaped her lips at his unexpected remark. “Duly noted,” she said as she attempted to compose herself.

Her husband led her into the drawing room, and she saw her aunt sitting rigidly on the camelback settee. She was dressed in a black crepe gown, and her eyes narrowed slightly when she saw them.

“I must admit that you have some nerve coming to see me,” Betty declared.

Emmeline went to sit across from her aunt, then said, “I came to see how you were faring.”

“Is that so?” Betty asked, a critical eye sweeping over her.

“It is.”

“I would be faring much better if Lord Oliver hadn’t killed my husband,” Betty spat.

Emmeline glanced over at Oliver before saying, “I’m afraid there was little choice in the matter, since Uncle George intended to kill both of us.”

Her aunt grew quiet as her eyes roamed the room. “George’s title is being passed to a distant cousin, and I am preparing to retire to our country estate while I grieve for my husband.”

“The country is beautiful this time of year,” Emmeline attempted.

Betty brought her gaze back, and she could detect some compassion deep within. “It brought me great pain to know that George was responsible for your parents’ deaths.”

“I was surprised, as well. He deceived all of us.”

“Constable Philmont met with me and explained George’s treachery,” Betty shared. “At first, I didn’t want to believe it, but I suppose there were signs that I neglected over the years. He changed after his brother died, but I never would have thought he was capable of doing something so heinous.”

“Nor I.”

Betty’s face softened. “I believe I owe you an apology,” she said. “You followed your heart, and you were right in doing so.”

“Thank you for that.”

Her aunt’s eyes darted towards Oliver. “Although, it is unfathomable to me that you passed on becoming a duchess to marry a mere second son of a marquess.”

Emmeline smiled over at Oliver. “It is a choice that I will never regret.”

“I’m afraid that I am the latest scandal,” Betty said with a sigh, “and thetonis buzzing with how Lord Oliver saved his wife from a madman.”

“Is that so?” Emmeline asked.

Betty nodded. “It is quite romantic, and you have managed to win over theton’s admiration because of it.”

“That wasn’t our intention,” Emmeline responded.

“I know, dear, but thetonis a fickle lot,” Betty said. “They pounce on a scandal, at least until something better comes along.”

“I am well aware.”

Betty gave her a sad smile. “I know you are, but your scandal was relatively short-lived. You must be grateful for that,” she remarked. “I doubt thetonwill be as forgiving towards me, considering the circumstances.”

Oliver spoke up. “Can we do anything for you?”

Betty turned her gaze towards him. “Let me be frank, Lord Oliver. I do not have a high opinion of you,” she said, “but I truly hope you will be true to my niece. She does not deserve to have her name dragged through the mud.”

“I appreciate your candor, but you need not worry,” Oliver remarked. “I love Emmeline too much to ever be anything but honorable.”

“See that you are,” Betty asserted, rising. “If you will excuse me, I need to see to the preparations for my journey.”

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