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“Did you finish the assignment?” she asked.

“I did, and I have a surprise for you.”

She eyed him curiously. “Whatever could it be?”

He brought the dog in front of him and said, “I found this puppy in the rookeries, and I remembered that I once promised you a dog.”

Emmeline rose and approached him. “He is adorable,” she gushed as she accepted the puppy. “I love him, Oliver.”

“I thought you might.”

Emmeline leaned in to kiss him, but she stopped herself. “You smell awful.”

He chuckled. “I am not surprised,” he said. “I have been sleeping in these clothes for days.”

“Why don’t you go take a long soak, and perhaps you should burn those clothes?”

Oliver wrapped his arms around her playfully and leaned forward. “But first, I need a kiss from my wife.”

“All right,” she replied. “One kiss.”

He kissed her nose, her cheek and her chin. Then, he pressed his lips against hers, kissing her slowly, before he deepened the kiss. He could feel Emmeline lean into him as she returned his kiss with equal fervor.

As he pulled back, she breathed, “That was more than one kiss.”

“Did you want me to stop?”


The puppy started whining and Emmeline adjusted him in her arms. “He is probably hungry, and definitely in need of a bath. I should take him down to the kitchen.”

“I was thinking we should depart for Lockhart Manor tomorrow for a holiday.”

Emmeline smiled broadly. “I would like that very much.”

“I’m happy to hear that.”

Holding up the puppy in her hands, Emmeline said, “Thank you, Oliver.”

He placed a hand on her increasing belly. “I would give you anything you desire just to see you smile.”

“All I want isyou.”

“Then it is a good thing that I’m already yours.”

The End
