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“Bah,” he replied forcefully. “I don’t need any more daughters. I require a son. An heir.”

Emmeline turned her attention towards the blue-papered walls and attempted to hide her growing agitation. The duke’s only purpose for her was to produce a son, and quickly.

The duke’s next words drew her attention back. “My doctor will need to examine you before the wedding to ensure you can bear children.”

“Pardon?” she asked, hoping she’d misheard him.

“I can’t take the chance that you are barren,” the duke said simply, “and I have been told it is a simple exam.”

“Lovely,” she remarked dryly as a footman placed a blanket onto her lap. “I shall have something to look forward to.”

“Per the contract, for every son you produce, you will be handsomely rewarded,” the duke shared.

“And if I have a girl?”

The duke frowned. “Then you shall be given nothing for your troubles.”

“I see.”

“Do you anticipate having a problem with bearing sons?” the duke questioned.

“I don’t think it is something that I can control,” she admitted.

The duke waved his hand dismissively in front of him. “You need not to fret about that,” he declared. “You are still young and will be able to bear many children for me.”

“May I ask how old your daughters are?”

The duke stared at her blankly. “I am not entirely sure. They are away at boarding school.”

“You don’t know the ages of your own children?” she asked in disbelief.

“I don’t pay attention to such trivial details,” the duke replied.

Emmeline kept her face expressionless as she questioned, “Do you at least know how many children you have?”

The duke chuckled. “What a delight you are,” he said. “Yes, I have three daughters, but you don’t need to concern yourself with them until they are old enough for a Season. Then, you shall have the honor of introducing them into Society.”

Emmeline leaned to the side as a footman placed a dessert plate in front of her. As she reached for her fork, she asked, “What hobbies do you enjoy, Your Grace?”

“I enjoy dissected puzzles.”

“As do I,” Emmeline replied. “I enjoy putting the map of Europe together.”

The duke bobbed his head in approval. “I used to be an avid reader, but my eyes are not what they used to be. I shall require you to read to me in the evenings.”

“My niece would be happy to do that,” Lady Taylor said enthusiastically. “She loves reading and talking. Those are her two favorite things to do.”

Emmeline stifled the groan that came to her lips. What an absurd thing to say, she thought.

“I do not enjoy useless chatter, mind you,” the duke revealed. “There is no place for it in my home.”

Lady Taylor bobbed her head. “Emmeline has practically perfected the art of polite conversation. Haven’t you, dear?”

“I have,” Emmeline replied. “I do so love talking about the weather, the state of the gardens, and my many accomplishments.”

“That pleases me immensely to hear,” the duke said. “My previous wives expected me to converse with them over dinner.”

“How horrifying,” Emmeline declared, bringing a hand up to her chest to feign outrage.
